
A Typical Year For a BCRC Engineer

September-January: Preparations are made for Township meetings.  Ex: Road Condition Reports, Center line Paint, Dust Control, Recommendations and Surveying.

January-May: Prepare Federal Aid Jobs, Surveying, Estimates, Gravel Road Tours, Permits, Work Orders and Order Materials.

June-August: Inspect Ongoing Projects, Surveying, Schedule Dust Control.

Mileage Certification

The Engineering Department at the Barry County Road Commission is responsible for submitting all necessary mileage certification documents to the Michigan Department of Transportation.  The submitted mileage information is used in the distribution of funds through the MTF formulas.

Schedule Contractors

The Engineering Department schedules and inspects the contracted services of the Barry County Road Commission.

Survey, Design & CAD and Administrative Projects

The Engineering Department is responsible for evaluating the needs of the County road system and identifying cost effective solutions to repair and maintain roads given limited funding and resources. In addition, Staff works in cooperation with other units of government to coordinate transportation planning activities and seeks out grant funding for major improvement projects. The Engineering Department performs a variety of support services for Barry County.

The Engineering Department is responsible for the design and construction engineering of all County roads on the County Road system. All roads within the city or village limits are not part of the County Road system. The Department is also responsible for department-wide contract administration, soil erosion control, right-of-way acquisition, subdivision control, plans, specifications and contract documents for road and bridge projects and the County Road Map. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating utility relocations associated with our projects, and securing all necessary permits from other regulating agencies.

The Engineering Staff assures that all projects are developed in accordance with Road Commission, FHWA, MDOT Local Agency Programs and AASHTO requirements.

Engineering  & Estimating and Traffic Engineering/Sign Shop

The Engineering Department is responsible for providing engineering and technical support and services for road improvement and major maintenance projects on the county road system. This involves reviewing and preparing plans, specification and bidding documents for road, bridge and other public improvements projects; meeting with representatives of public and private agencies regarding projects of mutual interest; and exercising general supervision over all construction activities within county rights-of-way to ensure compliance with plans and specifications.

The Engineering staff works to ensure that the adequate rights-of-way and easements are in place or identified for acquisition for a project, by collaborating with township officials, property owners and developers.

The responsibilities of the Engineering Department  also include traffic controls; including signing, Traffic Crash Investigation & Reconstruction, Traffic Data Collection (Traffic Counts, Crash Data, Speed Studies), and pavement markings. The Department also investigates unauthorized activities and encroachments in the right-of-way.

The Traffic & Safety Section maintains all flashing beacons at intersections under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission. This section is also responsible for the installation, and maintenance of all traffic control signs throughout the county, and all pavement marking, along with all legends and symbols at various intersections.

Safety Division

The Safety Division is an integral part of the BCRC. The responsibilities of the Safety Division include coordination of all employees training in regard to safe work practices, MIOSHA compliance, selection and purchase of personal protective equipment and first aid supplies, employee accident investigation, some aspects of DEQ compliance and various risk management duties.