
All Resolutions of the BCRC involve policy, but some have broader implications than do others. That is why BCRC members should be aware of a distinction between policy and administrative resolutions. Administrative resolutions typically deal with narrow actions such as approving a personnel appointment, awarding a contract, or perhaps purchasing new equipment.

Policy resolutions have broader and longer lasting implications. Some examples follow: the BCRC purchasing procedures or requirements for competitive bidding; employee qualifications and recruitment practices: nepotism (the hiring of friends and relatives); seniority and promotion. Policies on these and other personnel matters have broad implications for the way administrators do things. Other policy resolutions may deal with rules regarding disposal of outdated equipment, accounting practices, and any number of work practices. It is through such policy resolutions that the BCRC board directs and influences the way the organization does its business.

BCRC policies, of course, cannot direct every aspect of the administrative and operations actions. That is the reason the board hires professional and skilled operational personnel who have the capacity to exercise discretion and judgement as they apply policies to specific circumstances. When the BCRC board wants to change the way such individuals are responding to particular conditions, it adopts a policy resolution to amend the policy and thus gives new instructions to the personnel. It is through policy changes such as these that the board guides the conduct and decisions of the employees.