The Administration Department consists of the Office Manager, the bookkeeper and an Administrative Assistant. The responsibilities of the Administration Department include accounting, clerical work, finance, human resources and public relations.
Human Resources
Human Resources and reception are part of this department. Recruitment and hiring of new employees, employee benefits, labor relations, employee relations, policy development, workers compensation, and employee record keeping are all part of the job duties.
Finance is also part of this department. Financial responsibilities include all day-to-day financial transactions of the Road Commission including payroll, data processing, and financial reporting.
The Accounting Office prepares and monitors the annual budget in compliance with Public Act 51 of 1951*; explores ways to reduce the costs of operations, employs cost-effective solutions to project financing, and oversees payables and receivables, makes payments to contractors and suppliers, collects payments due to the Road Commission, payroll, and prepares various reports including the Annual Act 51 Report to MDOT.
*State Law – Public Act 51 – specifically states that cities, villages, county road commissions and the Michigan Department of Transportation have jurisdiction over roads. That means those government agencies are responsible for building and maintaining the roads within their jurisdictions. They also carry the legal liability for those roads. Road commissions also work hard to maintain roads within their jurisdiction- and although drivers don’t always know who is responsible for the roads they drive on, they can be assured that county road commissions are taking the best care of the roads, with the funding that is available.