JANUARY 9, 2024



The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at the Road Commission’s Boardroom at 7:30 A.M. by Secretary of the Board, Chris BeBeau.


Members present:  Solmes, Fiala, James, and Managing Director Jake Welch.


The floor was opened up for nominations for Chairman.


Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded that nominations be closed and vote that David Solmes be Chairman.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



The meeting was turned over to Chairman Solmes.



Motion was made by Commissioner James and seconded that Commissioner Fiala be Vice-Chairman.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded that Chris BeBeau, Accounting Manager, be Secretary of the Board.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



The agenda for January 9, 2024 was approved.



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve the minutes of December 29, 2023 as printed.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded that the regular Board Meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 A.M.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve payroll for payment.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried


CHECK             NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

1/4/24                  Barry County Road Commission                                    $161,502.18



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to approve the bills for payment.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried


Check Number Vendor Name Check Amount
45716 Adam Nieland $480.00
45717 Advia Credit Union $1,165.48
45718 Barbara Sue Hanneman $200.00
45719 Ben Byle $480.00
45720 Bert Keeler $380.00
45721 Brad Lamberg $8,100.00
45722 Brandy Casey $80.00
45723 Brent Cisler $480.00
45724 Brian Donnini $138.67
45725 Brian Heath $480.00
45726 Capital One Bank $3,303.39
45727 Catherine Slocum $276.28
45728 Charles Benedict $552.54
45729 Chris BeBeau $80.00
45730 City Of Hastings $638.20
45731 Cody Metzger $480.00
45732 Corewell Health Occupational $194.00
45733 Dana Kilmer $480.00
45734 David Daniels $480.00
45735 David Liddell $80.00
45736 Dylan Kennedy $80.00
45737 Frontline Maintenance & Serv. $30,564.00
45738 Gary Harps $480.00
45739 Gary Vandecar $604.71
45740 Greg Shook $480.00
45741 H.S.V. Redi-Mix $57.50
45742 Hastings Banner $51.20
45743 HealthEquity $41,331.21
45744 Jake Welch $80.00
45745 Jim Raulston $480.00
45746 Johnnie Stayton Jr. $480.00
45747 Jonathan Norris $480.00
45748 Joshua McConnon $200.00
45749 Kendall Pranshka $276.28
45750 Kimball Midwest $548.78
45751 Lake Michigan Credit Union $5,467.16
45752 Larry Maupin $552.54
45753 Liana Vickery $280.00
45754 Luke Selby $480.00
45755 Mark Weeks $340.00
45756 Mike Hull $715.41
45757 Mike Keeler $480.00
45758 Patricia Wolf $276.28
45759 Preferred Credit Union $9,145.98
45760 Priority Health $24,013.80
45761 Purity Cylinder Gases Inc $861.92
45762 Rex Ferris $480.00
45763 Rob Garrett $480.00
Check Number Vendor Name Check Amount
45764 Robert Nagel $276.28
45765 Rohr Gasoline Equipment, Inc. $91.36
45766 Sand Man Trucking, Inc. $240.00
45767 Scott Bond $80.00
45768 Scott Schantz Jr. $80.00
45769 Scott Swen $480.00
45770 Sean Satterly $480.00
45771 Tom Boulter $480.00
45772 Tom Chaffee $42.33
45773 Trystyn Yoder $480.00
45774 UniFirst Corporation $293.04
45775 Varipro Benefit Administrators $251.95
45776 Verizon $1,180.30
45777 Wayne Moore $480.00
45778 Wayne Roush $276.28
45779 William Johnston $480.00
  Total $144,006.87




Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to set the Material Bid date for February 14, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. for the following:  Crack Seal Blocks, Culverts, Scraper Blades, Bituminous Materials, and Asphalt Paving.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



Agaming Drive Drainage District Assessment amount to BCRC was discussed.  Jim Dull, Drain Commissioner, e-mailed Managing Director Jake Welch and explained that the accessed amount to BCRC was the same percentage as land compromised in the Right-of-Way.  BCRC is going to pay the invoice.



Motion was made by Commissioner Fiala and seconded to appoint Commissioner Solmes to the Economic Development Board.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Solmes, Fiala, & James

Nays, None

Motion Carried



Meeting adjourned at 7:47 A.M.










________________________________                   __________________________________

Secretary                                                                     Chairman

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