A public meeting will be held on Monday, December 11 at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of allowing local officials and interested citizens to provide input into the allocation of state and federal aid funds for eligible rural routes and transit systems in Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo and St. Joseph counties for fiscal years 2023 – 2026. The meeting will be held at the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County, 3801 E. Kilgore Road.
Questions regarding this meeting and rural federal aid projects can be directed to the appropriate agency or the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study, Region 3 transportation administrators representing the Southcentral Michigan Planning Council, (269) 343-0766 or fnagler@katsmpo.org.
Meeting agenda and materials will be posted to the Southcentral Michigan Planning Council website’s Transportation page: http://www.smpcregion3.org
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