Patching Potholes
How are Potholes formed?
Potholes are created when moisture seeps into the pavement; it freezes, expands and then thaws, weakening the pavement. Traffic loosens the already damaged pavement, and eventually it crumbles and pops out.
Why do so many potholes occur in spring?
Spring temperatures warm the cold pavement, melting and evaporating any ice. This creates air pockets that can eventually cause the pavement to break up. A winter of heavy snow or rain and several freeze thaw cycles can mean a big pothole season ahead.
Do some roads have more potholes than others?
Roads with high traffic volumes have more potholes due to the amount of use. Also roads that are not properly sealed let moisture in and can create more potholes.
Can anything be done to prevent potholes?
Properly seal coating or crack sealing a road greatly reduces the amount of moisture that can penetrate the pavement, thereby reducing potholes.
How are potholes repaired?
At the BCRC patching potholes is done year round. In the summer, crews are out on a daily basis repairing potholes with a product called hot mix asphalt. As the weather cools and the asphalt plants close we use a product called cold patch asphalt to repair potholes. The BCRC uses approximately 3,500 ton of asphalt each year to patch potholes. That’s enough to overlay 3 miles of an existing road 1.5″ thick!