Monthly Archives: May 2006

May 16, 2006

 The meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.

The agenda for May 16, 2006 was approved.

The minutes of May 2, 2006 were approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                Barry County Road Commission                                       $80,949.34

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    19361                 ASR CORPORATION                                                       $540.00

    19362                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $346.29

    19363                 HASTINGS REMINDER                                                    $290.87

    19364                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $324.54

    19365                 ADVANCE NEWSPAPERS                                                $186.90

    19366                 REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING                                       $416.83

    19367                 ALLTEL                                                                         $111.40

    19368                 AMERICAN MESSAGING                                                $14.97

    19369                 BERRIEN COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION                           $30.00

    19370                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $65.61

    19371                 BRAD LAMBERG                                                            $806.60

    19372                 CITY OF HASTINGS                                                        $377.94

    19373                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $18.26

    19374                 COUNTY RD ASSOCIATION SELF INS FUND                      $10,686.00

    19375                 CSI/GEOTURF, INC.                                                         $4,873.69

    19376                 DORNBOS SIGN & SAFETY INC                                        $806.82

    19377                 DOUBLE A COOKIE COMPANY                                        $146.25

    19378                 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS                                          $546.68

    19379                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $5,911.37

    19380                 FILLMORE EQUIPMENT, INC                                           $215.62

    19381                 HAMILTON LAWN PREP                                                 $186.00

    19382                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $57.98

    19383                 HASTINGS BANNER                                                       $60.36

    19384                 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CO                                        $440.50

    19385                 JDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                            $320.25

    19386                 JERRY HALL’S SEPTIC SERVICE LLC                                  $80.00

    19387                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $3,312.80

    19388                 KENT OIL COMPANY, INC.                                              $22,080.00

    19389                 THE LIGHT BULB COMPANY                                           $135.00

    19390                 M&K QUALITY TRUCK CENTER                                      $284.28

    19391                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $771.75

    19392                 MICHIGAN COMPANY INC                                              $79.10

    19393                 MIDDLEVILLE-CALEDONIA SUN & NEWS                         $54.81

    19394                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $39.08

    19395                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $80.29

    19396                 NEAL’S TRUCK PARTS                                                    $5,798.74

    19397                 NES TRAFFIC SAFETY                                                    $250.50

    19398                 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS                                          $347.18

    19399                 NORTHERN SAFETY CO. INC                                           $306.37

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    19400                 PENNOCK HOSPITAL                                                      $244.00

    19401                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $385.28

    19402                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $2,316.34

    19403                 QUILL CORPORATION                                                    $68.04

    19404                 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                     $108.00

    19405                 RESTORING SPECIALISTS                                               $2,400.00

    19406                 RICHFIELD TRAILER SUPPLY                                           $63.18

    19407                 RIETH RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO                                    $311.86

    19408                 RIVERGATE FAMILY CAMPGROUND LLC                         $450.00

    19409                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $1,402.16

    19410                 ROGER PASHBY                                                             $94.34

    19411                 SCOTT CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPANY                            $3,691.77

    19412                 ST. REGIS CULVERT INC                                                  $3,960.00

    19413                 STREMLER TILE INC                                                       $338.80

    19414                 SWEEPSTER INC                                                            $1,547.43

    19415                 TERRY CAPPON                                                             $25.50

    19416                 THERMO KING MICHIGAN INC                                        $36.44

    19417                 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY                                         $10.96

    19418                 USPS-HASLER                                                                $150.00

    19419                 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC                             $277.85

    19420                 WALKER, FLUKE, & SHELDON PLC                                  $8,300.00

    19421                 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MI                                        $130.68

    19422                 THE WOLVERINE COMPANIES                                        $311.30

    19423                 WYOMING ASPHALT PAVING CO                                    $4,191.22

    19424                 X-CEL CHEMICAL SPEC CO                                             $230.35

                            Grand Total:                                                                            $92,447.13

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to appoint Roger Pashby as voting delegate to the MCRCSIP’s annual business meeting on July 20, 2006.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the 2006 Budget Amendment #1.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried












Federal Funds





Critical Bridge




County Appropriations




Township Contributions




Other Contributions




Salvage Sales




Miscellaneous Sales




Interest Earned




Property Rentals




Equipment Rentals




Handling Charges




Purchase Discounts




Gain/Loss Disp. Of Equipment




Depreciation & Depletion




Equipment Retirements




Installment Leases




Trade-In Allowances





Permit Fees






Total Revenues





Budget Amendment #1 Cont.








Local Construction




Primary Preservation





Local Preservation




Primary Preventive Maintenance




Local Preventive Maintenance




Primary Routine Maintenance




Local Routine Maintenance




Equipment Expense Direct




Equipment Expense Indirect




Equipment Expense Operating




Distributive Expense




Interest Expense




Administrative Expense




Capital Expense





Note Payments







Total Expenditures








Budgeted Net Revenues (Exp)






Projected Fund Balance Prior Year





Projected Fund Balance




Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve driveway permit #2747, Rutland Township, Yeckley Road for Marshall Cappon upon the permanent closing of Amanda Drive.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the Guidelines for Public Meetings.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

The following guidelines have been adopted by the Board of County Road Commissioners of Barry County to aid in facilitating public meetings.  These guidelines will hopefully encourage public participation and create an atmosphere where the public can peacefully comment.  The following list of guidelines shall apply at all public meetings held by the Board of County Road Commissioners of Barry County.  Additional guidelines may be put in place at any given meeting as needed and determined by the Board.

  1. The Board will provide separate opportunities for those supporting, opposing, or neutral with regard to the proposed issue.
  2. Those addressing the board should state their name, address, and telephone number so they can be contacted if needed to address any issues.
  3. Individuals or those speaking on behalf of a group of less than 6 shall be limited to 5 minutes.
  4. Individuals speaking on behalf of a group of 6 or more shall be limited to 15 minutes.
  5. Transferring of time from one speaker to another will not be permitted.
  6. Personal attacks will not be permitted.
  7. The regular meeting schedule of the Board will be set and published.
  8. Notices of special meetings will be posted at the main office of the Barry County Road Commission at least 18 hours prior.

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Prairieville Township resolution.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Delton Road, 1.54 Mile, 36′ Wide                    Slag Seal                                  $21,560

Gravel Roads                                                                                                   $20,000

Dust Control                                                                                                     $16,000

Line Painting                                                                                                     $2,013

Mowing                                                                                                            $3,600

Lockshore Road – Payment                                                                              $28,500

Oak Drive                                                        Slag Seal                                  $6,475

                                                                        2006 Proposed Total                $98,148

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept the Barry Township resolution.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

At the regular meeting of Barry Township Board, held May 3, 2006, the following Resolution was adopted.

There came before the board the following matter:

Now Therefore Be It resolved that the Township of Barry hereby agrees to the following road work to be done in the 2006/2007 fiscal year:

Gravel at large                                                                                                  $25,000 est.

Snow Removal                                                                                     $  1,000

Gilkey Lake Road        Floria to Pifer               Blade patch & Slag Seal           $88,710

Brickyard                     Orchard Road to          Slag Seal                                  $  5,100

                                    To Town Line

Pavement Marking        Pleasant Lake Road and Osborne Road                        $  1,419

First application, 26 & Continuous Spread

The second application we would like placement in front of homes only  $20,000

Sheffield Road  West of Lane Lang       500′ of Fabric                          $  5,000

                                                                        Total 2006/2007                      $146,229

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept the Castleton Township resolution.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Due to circumstances beyond our control the only work Castleton Township can commit to this year is as follows:

Pavement marking as proposed on Barger, Devine and Durkee Roads   $ 1,138

State Road payment                                                                                         $30,400

Chloride (4.32 miles single pass, 28.94 miles full width with 26%)                      $10,885

Road Gravel                                                                                                     $  6,000

                                                                                    Total                            $48,423

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to rescind the motion for awarding the 29A Slag bid on May 2, 2006 and award the bid to all the bidders and purchase in the best interest of the Road Commission.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to cancel the regular board meeting of May 30, 2006.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary


May 2, 2006

 The meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Pashby and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.  Dykstra excused.

The agenda for May 2, 2006 was approved.

The minutes of April 18, 2006 were approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                Barry County Road Commission                                       $75,095.40

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    19288                 ALRO STEEL CORPORATION                                           $558.34

    19289                 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                              $1,317.54

    19290                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $406.86

    19291                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $1,103.46

    19292                 AFLAC                                                                          $132.00

    19293                 ALEXANDER WALDEN                                                   $552.54

    19294                 ALFRED MARTZ                                                            $138.28

    19295                 ALLIED TRUCK EQUIP                                                    $94.83

    19296                 ARISTOCHEM, INC                                                         $439.08

    19297                 BARRY COUNTY TREASURER                                         $26.68

    19298                 BERT KEELER                                                                $380.00

    19299                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $21.75

    19300                 BETTY MOORE                                                              $138.28

    19301                 CARLETON EQUIPMENT CO                                            $4,243.68

    19302                 CARDMEMBER SERVICE                                                 $80.00

    19303                 CHARLES BENEDICT                                                      $276.54

    19304                 CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS                                    $244.57

    19305                 COGITATE INC                                                               $1,762.50

    19306                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $4,981.99

    19307                 DIC CRAVEN                                                                  $276.54

    19308                 DORNBOS SIGN & SAFETY INC                                        $724.32

    19309                 DUANE WINDES                                                            $14.49

    19310                 DUTHLER TRUCK CENTER                                              $4,871.70

    19311                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $5,891.49

    19312                 FILLMORE EQUIPMENT, INC                                           $125.53

    19313                 GAYLORD PENNINGTON                                                 $276.54

    19314                 GERALD CISLER                                                             $552.54

    19315                 GUARDIAN ALARM COMPANY                                      $23.92

    19316                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $2.45

    19317                 HASLER INC                                                                  $57.00

    19318                 HOWARD HOSTETLER                                                   $276.54

    19319                 HUGH MCPHERSON                                                        $138.28

    19320                 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS                                               $140.95

    19321                 JACK KINEMAN                                                            $552.54

    19322                 JAS NETWORKS INC                                                      $128.30

    19323                 JENNIFER MATTHEWS                                                   $108.77

    19324                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $3,166.82

    19325                 KENNETH HURLESS                                                       $552.54

    19326                 KENNETH PRANSHKA                                                    $828.54

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    19327                 KENDALL PRANSHKA                                                    $138.28

    19328                 KETCHUM MACHINE CO                                                $440.00

    19329                 F.D. LAKE COMPANY                                                     $26.86

    19330                 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC                                               $451.47

    19331                 M&K QUALITY TRUCK CENTER                                      $108.84

    19332                 MIKE HULL                                                                   $60.00

    19333                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $39.08

    19334                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $201.77

    19335                 NEAL’S TRUCK PARTS                                                    $344.89

    19336                 NES WORKSAFE                                                            $282.80

    19337                 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS                                          $334.50

    19338                 NORMAN JACK LENZ                                                     $414.54

    19339                 PATRICIA WOLF                                                            $328.44

    19340                 PAUL PRANSHKA                                                          $552.54

    19341                 PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS SERVICES                                $2,622.00

    19342                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $18.01

    19343                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $1,692.02

    19344                 RATHCO SAFETY SUPPLY INC.                                        $3,181.20

    19345                 RICHARD RAYMOND                                                     $276.54

    19346                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $267.80

    19347                 ROBERT BAINES                                                            $276.54

    19348                 ROBERT NAGEL                                                             $604.71

    19349                 ROBERT RUSSELL                                                          $276.54

    19350                 ROBERT SLOCUM                                                          $689.72

    19351                 ROGER PASHBY                                                             $334.34

    19352                 S A E INDUSTRIES, INC                                                   $872.29

    19353                 SCOTT BUSTANCE                                                         $102.82

    19354                 STANDARD INSURANCE CO.                                          $457.86

    19355                 STATE OF MICHIGAN                                                     $275.53

    19356                 STATE SPRING ALIGNMENT & BRAKE                             $325.46

    19357                 STATE WIRE & TERMINAL                                             $175.06

    19358                 TRUCK & TRAILER SPECIALTIES                                     $400.16

    19359                 VESCO OIL CORPORATION                                              $274.45

    19360                 WAYNE ROUSH                                                             $552.54

                            Grand Total:                                                                     $53,008.32

Brian Calley, candidate for State Representative introduced himself to the Board.

Kathy Sheldon with Walker, Fluke and Sheldon PLC presented the 2005 Audit Report to the Board.

Steve Waalkes with M & K Trucking presented a proposal to extend their 2005 truck bids for 2006.

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to extend M & K Quality Truck Sales 2005 truck bids for 2006 and purchase a 2007 Volvo Cab & Chassis for $89,160.  It is agreed that M & K can demonstrate the truck for a period of approximately four months.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby authorizing the Road Commission to self fund the $350 per week short term disability insurance effective May 1, 2006 and contract with ASR Corporation as claims administrator.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to take the Asphalt Paving bids off the table and award bid to Aggregate Industries, Kalamazoo.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to take Sign Posts bids off the table and award the bid to Rathco Safety Supply Inc.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to take the Treated Bridge Planking bid off the table and award the bid to Krenn Bridge Company.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to take the Corrugated Metal Culverts and Smooth Lined Plastic Culvert bids off the table and award the Galvanized, Poly Coated, and Aluminized to Jensen Bridge & Supply, and Smooth Lined Plastic to Advanced Drainage Systems.


     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to take the 25A and 29A Slag bids off the table and award the 25A Slag bid to Meekhof’s Lakeside Dock, Inc. and the 29A Slag bid to Brewer’s City Dock, Inc.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to take the Bituminous Mixtures bids off the table and award the bid to all suppliers and be purchased in the best interest of the Barry County Road Commission.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to take the Pavement Marking bids off the table and award the bid to Michigan Pavement Markings.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to take the Traffic Control Sign bids off the table and award the bid to Vulcan Signs, Inc. and Dornbos Safety Signs to be purchased in the best interest of the Road Commission.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to take the Liquid Asphalt bids off the table and award all Liquid Asphalt to Bit Mat Products.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to take the Natural Aggregate bids off the table and award the 17 Series Natural Aggregate to Aggregate Industries and award the 31A Natural Aggregate to Meekhof’s Lakeside Dock, Inc.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                              Nays, None

                              Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to accept the Irving Township resolution.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

At the township board meeting on April 12, 2006 a motion was made and approved that 2 applications of dust control at 26% would be done this summer, for a cost of $8,473.00 per application.

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to accept the Orangeville Township resolution

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried.

As you are aware Orangeville Township board elected not to take the Annual Road tour this year, since all board members took part in individual road inspections within the Township as part of our Budget preparation.  We also had correspondence with Hope Township regarding repairs to Miller Road and determined that we would make future repairs as a joint effort with them.  We determined that most of our roads have very good ratings with a minimum of “6 & 7” and due to Budget limitations this year elected to hold off on repairs to two sections of Lindsey as presented by your office. 

March 28th; Public Budget Hearing: Motion was made by Perino, Support by Ribble to approve the 2006/2007 Budget as presented.  All Ayes, Motion Carried.

Previously approved projects (two year project-completion 06)

Marsh Road – 3.04 miles,                                                                     $  88,220

Rook Road                                                                                          $  20,780

                                                                                    Sub Total         $109,000

Center & Edge Painting – as presented; 4.8 miles                                  $   3,504

Chloride – 26% (2) applications re $5,687                                            $  11,374

Orangeville Resolution Cont.

Repairs as presented;

Norris Road                                         Overlay 1.5″                             $  51,715

Norris Road                                         Crack & Seal                           $    5,100

Marsh Road                                         Crack Seal                               $           0

Lindsey Road                                       Slag Seal 0.31 miles                  $    2,635

                                                                        Sub-Total                     $  74,328

                                                                        Total                            $183,328

Gravel (subject to April Road Commission recommendations)   $    7,920

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary