Monthly Archives: April 2005

April 19, 2005

 The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.

The agenda for April 19, 2005 was approved.

The minutes of April 5, 2005 was approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                            Barry County Road Commission                                       $75,717.33

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17363                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $271.74

    17364                 MCRCSIP                                                                       $35.00

    17366                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $814.35

    17367                 ALLTEL                                                                         $216.16

    17368                 ARCH WIRELESS                                                            $45.70

    17369                 AUTOMATED MAILING SOLUTIONS                               $189.07

    17370                 BARRY COUNTY TREASURER                                         $53.56

    17371                 BEAVER RESEARCH COMPANY                                       $695.75

    17372                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $45.75

    17373                 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                              $1,134.54

    17374                 BRAD LAMBERG                                                            $385.56

    17375                 BURKEY SALES & SERVICE                                             $215.26

    17376                 CALLENDER & DORNBOS                                               $1,614.90

    17377                 CARPENTER GRAVEL INC                                               $66.18

    17378                 CITY OF HASTINGS                                                        $576.82

    17379                 COGITATE INC                                                               $25.00

    17380                 COUNTY ROAD ASSOCIATION                                        $7,867.00

    17381                 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING                                 $6.19

    17382                 DARYL BRODBECK                                                        $25.50

    17383                 DOUGLAS PECK                                                             $271.54

    17384                 EAGLE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INC                             $157.50

    17385                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $5,585.09

    17386                 FITZPATRICK’S                                                              $175.00

    17387                 GEORGE AND MARY RANSOME                                      $10,000.00

    17388                 GEZON TOOL SERVICE INC                                              $1,130.09

    17389                 GRANDVILLE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT                           $166.77

    17390                 HASTINGS BANNER                                                       $49.28

    17391                 HASLER INC                                                                  $59.85

    17392                 HEATHER SMITH                                                           $224.00

    17393                 JDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                            $9.99

    17394                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $2,206.55

    17395                 KENT OIL COMPANY, INC.                                              $8,957.52

    17396                 LJ FLUID POWER INC                                                      $559.44

    17397                 MANPOWER OF HASTINGS                                            $243.20

    17398                 MCRCSIP                                                                       $232,297.63

    17399                 MCRCSIP                                                                       $14.00

    17400                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $1,939.66

    17401                 MICHIGAN COMPANY INC                                              $67.49

    17402                 MICHIGAN KENWORTH                                                 $151.16

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17403                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $36.00

    17404                 NEAL’S TRUCK PARTS                                                    $165.00

    17405                 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS                                          $303.33

    17406                 OSCAR W LARSON COMPANY                                        $595.50

    17407                 PENNOCK HOSPITAL                                                      $195.00

    17408                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $1,452.24

    17409                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $1,118.26

    17410                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $596.68

    17411                 ROBERT MILLER                                                            $25.50

    17412                 ROGER PASHBY                                                             $348.84

    17413                 SCOTT BOND                                                                 $62.15

    17414                 STATE WIRE & TERMINAL                                             $80.90

    17415                 ST. REGIS CULVERT INC                                                  $448.20

    17416                 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY                                         $161.37

    17417                 TRUCK & TRAILER SPECIALTIES                                     $569.86

    17418                 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC                             $560.41

    17419                 VERNS REPAIR & SPORT                                                 $411.02

    17420                 VESCO OIL CORPORATION                                              $3,500.63

    17421                 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MI                                        $257.34

    17422                 WELLER TRUCK PARTS, INC.                                          $5.92

    17423                 WYKSTRA OIL COMPANY                                              $32.87

                           Grand Total:                                                                                                                                             $289,476.81

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to sign the Green Street mylars.  Control number 08447, Job number 80647A.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to sign the Guardrail Contract.  Control Section STH08609, Job number 80546, Project number STP0508(002), Federal Item number RR4536.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the 2005 Budget Amendment #1.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Barry County Road Commission

Budget Amendment # 1



















Federal Funds





Critical Bridge





County Appropriations





Township Contributions





Other Contributions





Salvage Sales





Miscellaneous Sales





Interest Earned





Property Rentals





Equipment Rentals





Budget Amendment #1 Cont.

Handling Charges





Purchase Discounts





Gain/Loss Disp. Of Equipment





Depreciation & Depletion





Equipment Retirements





Installment Leases





Trade-In Allowances





Permit Fees









Total Revenues














Primary Road Maintenance





Primary Heavy Maintenance





Local Maintenance





Local Heavy Maintenance





Equipment Expense Direct





Equipment Expense Indirect





Equipment Expense Operating





Distributive Expense





Interest Expense





Administrative Expense





Capital Expense





Note Payments








Total Expenditures









Budgeted Net Revenues (Exp)





Projected Fund Balance Prior Year





Projected Fund Balance





Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept resolutions from Thornapple, Hastings, Hope, Johnstown, and Woodland Townships.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Thornapple Township Resolution

Patterson Road

1.98 Mile                     108th Street to 144th Avenue                 Mill & Fill                     $22,700

30′ Wide                                                                                  & Slag Seal

Patterson Road

1.51 Mile                     144th Avenue to 141st Avenue              Mill & Fill                     $17,500

30′ Wide                                                                                  & Slag Seal

Green Lake Road

0.46 Mile                     Village Limits to                                    Slag Seal                      $  4,265

                                    Cherry Valley Road

Dust Control

Using 38% Solution

23.82 Miles Two Pass; 3.71 Miles One Pass                            (Not to Exceed)           $16,000

Road Gravel                                                                             (Not to Exceed)           $12,000

                                                                                                Total                            $72,465

Hastings Charter Township Resolution

The following road projects were approved at the Board Meeting last night:

Paved Road Repairs – all circled projects on the enclosed recommendation list for a total of $54,182.

Gravel Road Requests – all requests with the exception of Woodlawn (change to 20 loads of crushed gravel – $1100) for a total of $10,955.

Dust Control – 2 recommended applications – @$11,884 – $23,768.

                        (The first application as soon as possible please)

Line Painting – none requested.

Hope Township Resolution

At the April 11, 2005 regular meeting of the Hope Township Board of Trustees made the following decisions concerning Hope Township Gravel Roads.

An amount of $25,000 has been allocated for Hope Township Gravel Roads and this is to include the use of Fabric on Tillotson Lake Road, east of M-43.  We also approved the application of 200′ of asphalt on the dirt part of Walldorff Road off Cordes Road at Wall Lake.  The estimated price of that was $2,689.  $2,248 for this year of grading and double seal and next year $441 to final seal it.

We will determine, from the estimates given on April 13, 2005 on paving intersections on the other 5 locations at our May 9, 2005 board meeting.

Johnstown Township Resolution

The Johnstown Township Board had approved the following road work for 2005.

Culver Lake Estates                  Plat at Culver Lake                               Crack Seal       $     780.00

Banfield Road                           Baseline Road to Hickory Road            Slag Seal          $15,555.00

Banfield Road                           Hickory Road to Hobbs Road              Slag Seal          $15,555.00

Hickory Road                           Manning Lk Rd to Banfield Rd  Slag Seal          $18,020.00

Winans Drive                            Plat of Shady Shores                            Slag Seal          $     372.00

Banfield Road                           Pifer Road to Drake Road                    Slag Seal          $  4,420.00

            Pavement markings have been approved for the following roads.

Baseline Road                          Hutchinson Road to Town Line                         $     660.00

Bristol Road                             Banfield Road to M-37                                     $     462.00

Bristol Road                             Hutchinson Road to M-37                                            $     594.00

Hobbs & Mill Lake Road         M-37 to Banfield Road                                     $     693.00

Leinaar Road                            Banfield Road to Manning Lake Road               $     429.00

You may use your discretion in placing the gravel in the amount of $16,000.  We have also approved 2 applications of 26% liquid dustlayer for our gravel roads in amount of $14,224.

Woodland Township Resolution

We direct the Barry County Road Commission to place slag seals on the following roads in Woodland Township in 2005.

Road                                        Location                                               Distance           Cost

Martin Road                             Coats Grove to Davenport                    1                      $  8,500.00

Martin Road                             Brown to Vedder                                 1.01                 $  8,585.00

Davenport Road                       M-66 East to County Line                    1.01                 $  8,585.00

Barnum Road                           Durkee to Wellman                               1.96                 $16,660.00

Barnum Road                           Wellman to Woodland              1                      $  8,500.00

Woodland Road                       Village Limits to Brown             1.51                 $12,835.00

                                                                                                            7.49                 $63,665.00

Road Material bids were opened up at 10:00 A.M.

Slag Bids – 25A

Pit #1

Pit #2

Pit #3

Pit #4

Pit #5

Pit #6














Brewer’s City Dock, Inc







29A Slag













Meekhof’s Lakeside Dock, Inc













Verplank Trucking Company







Slurry Seal Bids

                                                                                                Unit Price

Bidder                                                                                     Square Yard

Highway Maintenance & Construction                                      No Bid

Pavement Maintenance Systems, Inc.                                        $1.35

Pavement Restoration of Michigan                                            $1.215


Natural Aggregate Bids

Natural Aggregate 17 Series

                                                Soft               Loss By        At               Delivered To    Delivered to

Bidder                   Crushed      Particles         Wash      Stockpile          Doster Pit         Bender Pit

Aggregate Ind.        47.00%      1.01%             0.40%       $9.35              $13.40            $12.35

Meekhof’s             95-100%   <5.0%             2% Max  $10.25              $12.95             $11.45


Natural Aggregate 31A for Seal Coat

                                                Soft            Loss By       At           Hastings   Drake   Bender  Doster

Bidder                   Crushed     Particles     Wash       Stockpile         Pit          Pit          Pit        Pit

Aggregate Ind.        96.40%     1.81%         3.00%      $10.95          $15.45     $15.20 $15.87  $15.20

Meekhof’s             95-100%  <5.0%         2% Max  $10.25           $12.35    $13.30 $11.45  $12.95

Liquid Asphalt Bids

                                                MSOP                                                                            SS-1H         

Bidder                                     Prime                    HFE-150            HFRS-2M            Tack            

Asphalt Materials Inc.           No Bid                   $ 0.7099             $0.8675                 $0.7500

Demurrage = $ 70.00/Hr after 3Hr. for loads over 6,000 Gallons

Demurrage = $ 70.00/Hr after 2Hr. for loads under 6,000 Gallons

Return @ 1.5 normal freight rate.

5500 Gallon Minimum Load


Bit. Mat Products                  $ 1.50                    $ 0.7142             $ 0.8442                $0.75

                                                                                                                               (@ Bay City, MI) 

Demurrage = $ 70.00/Hr. after 2 free hours.

Minimum shipment 5,800 gallons

Terry Materials                     No Bid                   $ 0.8144             $ 1.0144                $0.8000


Demurrage = $ 70.00/Hr. after 3 Hr. for loads over 9,000 Gallons

Demurrage = $ 70.00/Hr. after 2 Hr. for loads under 9,000 Gallons

Returns @ 1.5 normal freight rate. Minimum of $ 200.00

Multiple Stops will be billed at $75 for second stop, $2.50 per mile thereafter

$ 350.00 Cancellation charge if cancelled if not requested 6.0 hours before delivery.

Load hold times apply toward demurrage/free unloading time

Asphalt Paving Bids

Bid Items

Aggregate Industries   Kalamazoo, Mi


Michigan Paving and Material Co  

Kalamazoo, MI


Reith Riley    Ada Mi



Lakeland Asphalt Corporation                 Battle Creek, MI


Bit Mix 4 C





Bit Mix 13 A





Bit Mix 36 A





Bit App





Lighted Arrow










Total Amount





Bituminous Mixtures Bids

Picked up at Bidders Plant






Bituminous Mixtures

Lakeland Asphalt Corp Battle Creek, MI


Reith Riley    Ada Mi



Wyoming Asphalt   Plainwell, MI


Michigan Paving & Material,                         Kalamazoo, Mi

Aggregate Industries   Kalamazoo, MI



















































Delivery by Quadrants







No Bid


No Bid




No Bid

Quote with

No Bid




No Bid

One Week

No Bid




No Bid


No Bid
















30 Days


15 Days



Treated Bridge Planking Bids


Krenn Bridge Companies          Treated SYP Bridge Planking                           $2,200.00/MBM

                                                Timber Box Culvert & Transverse Deck           $3,450.00/MBM

                                                Treated Bridge and Salt Storage Timbers          $3,650.00/MBM

                                                Panelized Bridge Decks                                    $3,410.00/MBM

                                                     Longitudinal to 14″             

                                                Panelized Bridge Decks                                    $3,960.00/MB                                                                 Longitudinal to 16″

                                                Hardware                                                         $       4.95/LBS

                                                Plus Freight

Price includes design drawings sealed by a Registered Michigan Engineer, F.O.B Job Site Truck Lots.  Sixty to ninety days for delivery.  Fluctuations in timber prices of an unusual or dramatic nature, which cause a market fluctuation in excess of 5% during the term of this contract, shall be cause for an increase/decrease in the bid price.  This bid is firm for one year from the date on original bid letter dated March 9, 2005, and may be renewed at the option of the bidder.

Culverts Bids


Poly Coated


Smooth Lined Plastic


Jensen Bridge & Supply  Sandusky, Michigan

St. Regis Culvert Inc.  Charlotte, Michigan

Premarc Concrete & Pipe    Cadillac, MI

Jensen Bridge & Supply  Sandusky, Michigan

St. Regis Culvert Inc.  Charlotte, Michigan


Jensen Bridge & Supply  Sandusky, Michigan

St. Regis Culvert Inc.  Charlotte, Michigan

L.T. Elsey & Son, Inc











12″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



12″ Band x 12″



No Bid



No Bid











15″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



15″ Band x 12″



No Bid



No Bid











18″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



18″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid











24″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



24″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid











30″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



30″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid











36″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid



36″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid











48″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid


48″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid










60″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid


60″ Band x 24″



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid










72″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid

No Bid

72″ Band x 48″



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid

No Bid









84″ Culvert



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid

No Bid

84″ Band x 48″



No Bid



No Bid

No Bid

No Bid










30 Days

30 Days

30 Days

30 Days

30 Days

30 Days

30 days









10 Days



$2500 or $300 Freight

10 Days


10 Days


 $2500 or $300 Freight

10 Days


$2500 or $300 Freight








firm only

firm only


firm only

firm only

firm only

firm only

for 120

for 120


for 120

for 120

for 120

for 120








Culvert Bids Cont.



Jensen Bridge & Supply  Sandusky, Michigan

St. Regis Culvert Inc.  Charlotte, Michigan


12″ Culvert



12″ Band x 12″





15″ Culvert



15″ Band x 12″





18″ Culvert



18″ Band x 24″





24″ Culvert



24″ Band x 24″





30″ Culvert



30″ Band x 24″





36″ Culvert



36″ Band x 24″





48″ Culvert



48″ Band x 24″





60″ Culvert



60″ Band x 24″





72″ Culvert



72″ Band x 48″





84″ Culvert



84″ Band x 48″







30 Days

30 Days



10 Days

$2500 or $300 Freight



firm only

firm only

for 120

for 120





Traffic Control Sign Bids





Dornbos Sign and Safety, Inc.  Charlotte, Michigan


Hall Signs, Inc.  Bloomington, Indiana



Vulcan Signs           Foley, Alabama







30″ Stop




36″ Stop




36″ Yield




24×30″ Speed Limit




12″x18″ No Parking




24″x24″ No Park-Symbol




48″x30″ Road Closed




30″ Warning




36″ Warning




48″x24″ Target Arrow




18″x24″ Chevron




30″ Stop Ahead-Symbol




36″ Stop Ahead-Symbol




18″ Advisory Speed




6″x24″ Road Name Blank









250# Min. Order



Single Sided


Sheeted Blank



No Copy, No Holes



Net 30 Days


Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to table all the road material bids for further study.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 A.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary


April 5, 2005

 The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Vice-Chairman Pashby.

Members present:  Dykstra, Pashby and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.  Willcutt excused.

The agenda for April 5, 2005 was approved.

The minutes of March 22, 2005 were approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                            Barry County Road Commission                                       $74,204.80

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17288                 ACEC OF MICHIGAN                                                      $170.00

    17289                 COUNTY ROAD ASSOCIATION                                        $80.00

    17290                 HUBBARD SUPPLY COMPANY                                        $18.44

    17291                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $488.57

    17292                 PRIORITY HEALTH                                                         $15,576.37

    17293                 AFLAC                                                                          $132.00

    17294                 ALEXANDER WALDEN                                                   $286.54

    17295                 ALFRED MARTZ                                                            $143.28

    17296                 BARRY COUNTY TREASURER                                         $61.21

    17297                 BEN’S TECH SUPPLY                                                       $84.17

    17298                 BERT KEELER                                                                $380.00

    17299                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $25.85

    17300                 BETTY MOORE                                                              $98.28

    17301                 CALLENDER & DORNBOS                                               $3,592.86

    17302                 CHARLES BENEDICT                                                      $286.54

    17303                 CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS                                    $235.22

    17304                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $7,973.47

    17305                 CUMMINS BRIDGEWAY LLC                                           $2,310.97

    17306                 DIC CRAVEN                                                                  $286.54

    17307                 DUTHLER TRUCK CENTER                                              $265.27

    17308                 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES                                           $156.52

    17309                 ENGINEERING SUPPLY CORP                                           $170.54

    17310                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $5,772.33

    17311                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $375.00

    17312                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $162.04

    17313                 GAYLORD PENNINGTON                                                 $196.54

    17314                 GERALD CISLER                                                             $419.54

    17315                 GUARDIAN ALARM COMPANY                                      $144.64

    17316                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $22.10

    17317                 HASTINGS MAXI MUFFLERS                                          $20.00

    17318                 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT CO                                        $615.00

    17319                 HOWARD HOSTETLER                                                   $286.54

    17320                 HUGH MCPHERSON                                                        $143.28

    17321                 HWS, INC                                                                      $373.00

    17322                 JACK KINEMAN                                                            $286.54

    17323                 J-AD GRAPHICS, INC.                                                      $1,006.00

    17324                 JAS NETWORKS INC                                                      $126.30

    17325                 JDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                            $7,317.84

    17326                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $650.13

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17327                 KENNETH HURLESS                                                       $286.54

    17328                 KENNETH PRANSHKA                                                    $196.54

    17329                 KENTWOOD OFFICE FURNITURE                                     $10.87

    17330                 KENDALL PRANSHKA                                                    $143.28

    17331                 KETCHUM MACHINE CO                                                $112.00

    17332                 LARRY MAUPIN                                                            $114.40

    17333                 LAWRENCE BARRY                                                        $8.50

    17334                 LTAP/MTU                                                                    $150.00

    17335                 M&K QUALITY TRUCK CENTER                                      $240.47

    17336                 MANPOWER OF HASTINGS                                            $696.16

    17337                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $1,356.76

    17338                 MICHIGAN CONTRACTOR & BUILDER                             $169.00

    17339                 MIKE HULL                                                                   $200.00

    17340                 MIKA, MEYERS, BECKETT & JONES                                 $683.50

    17341                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $36.00

    17342                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $131.29

    17343                 NORMAN JACK LENZ                                                     $374.54

    17344                 PATRICIA WOLF                                                            $328.44

    17345                 PAUL PRANSHKA                                                          $286.54

    17346                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $574.17

    17347                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $1,191.75

    17348                 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                     $255.36

    17349                 RICHARD RAYMOND                                                     $286.54

    17350                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $621.79

    17351                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS CENTER                                 $168.66

    17352                 ROBERT BAINES                                                            $286.54

    17353                 ROBERT NAGEL                                                             $604.71

    17354                 ROBERT RUSSELL                                                          $286.54

    17355                 ROBERT SLOCUM                                                          $114.40

    17356                 ROGER PASHBY                                                             $169.06

    17357                 S A E INDUSTRIES, INC                                                   $815.94

    17358                 STANDARD INSURANCE CO.                                          $1,174.46

    17359                 TIREMAXX                                                                   $196.50

    17360                 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MI                                        $125.25

    17361                 WAYNE ROUSH                                                             $286.54

    17362                 WELLER AUTO/TRUCK                                                   $1,000.00

                            Grand Total:                                                                            $64,422.50

Kathy Sheldon with Walker, Fluke and Sheldon, PLC presented the 2004 Fiscal Year Audit Report to the Board.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to have Managing Director Brad Lamberg sign the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for property in Hastings Township with George and Mary Ransome upon the addition regarding the sloping of the pit.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

                     Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

This Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement is made effective _______________, 2005, by and between George Ransome and Mary Ransome, husband and wife, of 3400 E. M-79 Highway, Hastings, Michigan 49058 (“Sellers“), and the Board of Road Commissioners of Barry County, a Michigan governmental entity, of 1725 W. M-43 Highway, P. O. Box 158, Hastings, Michigan 49058 (“Buyer“).

The parties agree as follows:

  • 1. Purchase and Sale. Sellers shall sell and convey to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase from Sellers, land located in the Hastings Charter Township, Barry County, Michigan, being a part of tax parcel number 06-035-015-00, and legally described as follows (the “Property“):

The South 300 feet of the West 300 feet of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 35, Town 3 North, Range 8 West, Hastings Township, Barry County, Michigan.

  • 2. Purchase Price and Payment. The purchase price of the Property shall be Ten Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($10,000.00), paid by Buyer to Sellers at closing in certified funds.
  • 3. Purchase of Gravel. Buyer will also pay Sellers One Dollar ($1.00) for every cubic yard of gravel material removed by Buyer in 2005 from the Property. The material removed shall be measured in tons by belt scales used by Buyer’s gravel processing contractor and converted from tons to cubic yards on a 1.5 tons per cubic yard conversion factor.

                        Buyer agrees to remove a minimum of 36,000 square yards of gravel material if the gravel material meets the specifications for 23A road gravel.  Buyer may remove such additional amounts of gravel as Buyer deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

                        It is anticipated that mining activities will be completed on or before September 1, 2005.  Buyer will pay Sellers for all gravel material removed by Buyer upon the completion of mining activities.

  • 4. Closing. The closing shall occur within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this agreement at a date, time and place mutually convenient to the parties, unless mutually extended in writing by the parties.
  • 5. Possession. Prior to closing, Sellers shall maintain the Property in its present condition. Sellers shall transfer possession of the Property to Buyer at closing. All risk of loss shall pass to Buyer at closing.
  • 6. Title. At the time of closing, the title to the Property shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except the lien of all real property taxes and assessments which become due and payable after the date of closing, utility easements of record, and any matters assumed by or otherwise acceptable to Buyer. Sellers shall transfer title to the Property to Buyer at closing by a warranty deed in statutory form.
  • 7. Real Estate Taxes. Sellers shall pay all real estate taxes and special assessments presently due and payable on the Property, including but not limited to the Winter 2004 tax bill. All real estate taxes and special assessments hereinafter accrued on the Property shall be paid by Buyer. Sellers shall pay any applicable county and state transfer taxes arising out of the purchase and sale of the Property documented herein.
  • 8. Survey and Inspections. If Buyer desires a survey of the Property, Buyer may perform such a survey at Buyer’s own expense. If Buyer desires inspections of the Property, Buyer may perform such inspections at Buyer’s own expense.
  • 9. Title Evidence. As a condition to closing, Buyer must be able to obtain a commitment for the issuance by a reputable title insurance company of an owner’s policy of title insurance in an amount not less than Ten Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($10,000.00), insuring marketable title in and to the Property in the name of Buyer, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances whatsoever, except (a) those created or assumed by Buyer, (b) zoning ordinances, (c) legal highways, and (d) covenants and restrictions of record. Buyer shall pay the cost of the premium for such title insurance policy.
  • 10. Sellers’ Option to Repurchase Property. At any time beginning on February 1, 2006, and continuing until February 1, 2011, Sellers shall have the option to repurchase the Property from Buyer for a purchase price of Ten Thousand and no/100 Dollars($10,000.00), provided that Sellers are not in default under this Agreement and the remaining terms of the repurchase are acceptable to Buyer. The option shall be exercised by Sellers providing Buyer with written notice of the intent to exercise the option. If the Sellers elect to exercise their option to repurchase, Buyer shall regrade the gravel mining operation area in a reasonably commercial manner.
  • 11. Closing Fee. Buyer shall pay the cost of any closing fee charged by any closing agent selected by the parties to administer the closing of the purchase by Buyer and sale by Sellers of the Property documented herein.
  • 12. Attorney Fees and other Costs. Buyer shall pay the entire amount of any and all attorney fees and all other costs incurred by Buyer arising out of the purchase and sale of the Property documented herein. Sellers shall pay the entire amount of any and all attorney fees and all other costs incurred by Sellers arising out of the purchase and sale of the Property documented herein.
  • 13. Real Estate Broker. The parties agree and represent to each other that no real estate broker has been involved in the subject transaction.
  • 14. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may only be changed by a writing executed by both parties.
  • 15. Land Division Act. Sellers transfer to Buyer no division rights available to the Property.
  • 16. Representations and Warranties.

            (a)        Sellers represent and warrant to Buyer that they have full legal right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement.  Other than the warranties given in Paragraph 6 regarding title to the Property, Sellers make no representation or warranty regarding the condition of the Property.  Buyer agrees to rely on its own inspections and agrees to accept the Property AS IS.

            (b)        Buyer represents and warrants to Sellers that it has full legal right, power, and authority to enter into this agreement and has taken all action necessary to carry out the same.

            (c)        The respective representations and warranties of the parties shall survive the closing.

  • 17. Indemnification.

            (a)        Sellers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Buyer from any damages or loss incurred by Buyer as a result of failure of any representation or warranty made by Sellers in this agreement.

            (b)        Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Sellers from any damages or loss incurred by Sellers as a result of failure of any representation or warranty made by Buyer in this agreement.

  • 18. Miscellaneous. This agreement shall be governed by Michigan law. Time is of the essence of the performance of the obligations described herein. No third party shall be a beneficiary of any provision of this agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed by the parties, nor by any third party, as creating the relationship of principal and agent, or of partnership or joint venture between the parties hereto. The headings contained herein are for convenience only and shall not be used to define, explain, modify or aid in the interpretation or construction of the contents of this agreement. This agreement may be executed in duplicate counterparts and each executed counterpart shall be considered as an original of this agreement. A faxed signature shall constitute a legally binding signature.
  • 19. Notices. All notices required to be given or appropriate under this agreement shall be deemed to be given when delivered personally or upon the mailing by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to Buyer or Sellers at their addresses listed above.

By signing this agreement, the parties acknowledge that they have read this document, they know its contents and they are voluntarily signing it.

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept Resolutions from Irving and Orangeville Townships.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Irving Township Resolution

At the board meeting of Irving Township on March 9, 2005 the board approved the following road work for 2005.

McCann Road to West State; slag seal for $8,840.00

Woodruff Road from Hammond to West State; slag seal for $9,265.00

Woodruff from State Road to township line; slag seal for $2,210

McCann and Irving Roads, 1.06 mile, Rutland town line, North & West to Thornapple town line;  

     slag seal for $9,010.00

Wood School Road, ½ mile from Eckert to Kent County line; slag seal $4,420.00

Dust Control; 26% at 2 applications for $17,428.00

Gravel for $20,000.00

Painting for $99.00

Orangeville Township Resolution

Overlay & Seal

Marsh Road – 3.04 miles ($176,440 over two years)                                        $88,220

9 Mile & South Damon – 0.64 mile                                                                   $27,400

Slag Seal

9-Mile – 1.31 miles                                                                                          $11,135

Mullen Road – 1.30 miles                                                                                 $11,050

Crack Seal

Marsh Road – 2.00 miles                                                                                  $  6,000

Marsh Road – 1.89 miles                                                                                  $  6,600

Keller Road – 2.60 miles                                                                                  $  7,800

Center & Edge Painting

As presented; 5.1 miles                                                                         $  2,074


2 applications of 26%                                                                                       $11,066


2005 approved                                                                                                 $26,320

Previously Approved Projects; May 5, 2004

Patterson Road (Marsh-Wildwood)                                                                  $11,800

Patterson Road (Wildwood-Saddler)                                                                $21,666

Rook Road (2 year)    $50,790 ½                                                                    $25,395

Pine Lake Road                                                                                                $18,000

Total Road Repairs and Improvements                                                  $274,526

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby authorizing Chairman Willcutt to sign the 2004 Annual Act 51 Financial Report and be submitted to the State.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary