May 1, 2007

 The meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Dykstra, Fiala and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.

The agenda for May 1, 2007 was approved.


The minutes of April 17, 2007 were approved as read by the Secretary.


Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                            Barry County Road Commission                                       $71,256.95


Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    21076                 BLUE CARE NETWORK                                                   $18,902.96

    21077                 LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP INSTITUT                 $580.00

    21078                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $155.97

    21079                 NORTHERN SAFETY CO. INC                                           $98.70

    21080                 WILCOX PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC                           $134,531.31

    21081                 ALEXANDER WALDEN                                                   $552.54

    21082                 AMERICAN MESSAGING                                                $10.01

    21083                 ASR CORPORATION                                                       $90.00

    21084                 BARRY COUNTY LUMBER                                               $45.49

    21085                 BERT KEELER                                                                $380.00

    21086                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $47.36

    21087                 BETTY MEADE                                                              $20.00

    21088                 BETTY MOORE                                                              $134.28

    21089                 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                              $1,648.58

    21090                 BRIAN HEATH                                                               $26.49

    21091                 BURKEY SALES & SERVICE                                             $211.78

    21092                 CARDMEMBER SERVICE                                                 $249.00

    21093                 CHARLES BENEDICT                                                      $552.54

    21094                 COGITATE INC                                                               $90.00

    21095                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $5,338.64

    21096                 CUMMINS BRIDGEWAY LLC                                           $21.47

    21097                 DARYL BRODBECK                                                        $25.50

    21098                 DAVID KILMER                                                              $25.50

    21099                 DIC CRAVEN                                                                  $268.54

    21100                 DUANE WINDES                                                            $6.15

    21101                 EAGLE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INC                             $480.00

    21102                 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE                                             $173.98

    21103                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $5,668.37

    21104                 FRANK M FIALA                                                           $170.64

    21105                 FREEPORT NEWS/GEIGER PRINTERS                                $165.00

    21106                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $281.70

    21107                 GAYLORD PENNINGTON                                                 $134.28

    21108                 GERALD CISLER                                                             $552.54

    21109                 GUARDIAN ALARM COMPANY                                      $23.92

    21110                 HAMMERSMITH EQUIPMENT COMPANY                        $34.00

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount      

    21111                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $51.45

    21112                 HASLER INC                                                                  $95.00

    21113                 HOWARD HOSTETLER                                                   $552.54

    21114                 HUGH MCPHERSON                                                        $134.28

    21115                 IMSA                                                                            $60.00

    21116                 JACK KINEMAN                                                            $552.54

    21117                 JDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                            $286.95

    21118                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $3,553.83

    21119                 KENNETH HURLESS                                                       $552.54

    21120                 KENNETH PRANSHKA                                                    $552.54

    21121                 KENT OIL COMPANY, INC.                                              $9,553.28

    21122                 KENDALL PRANSHKA                                                    $134.28

    21123                 LAKELAND ASPHALT CORP                                           $153.14

    21124                 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC                                               $431.35

    21125                 MANPOWER OF HASTINGS                                            $349.60

    21126                 MARK WEEKS                                                               $33.00

    21127                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $4,406.37

    21128                 MIKA, MEYERS, BECKETT & JONES                                 $927.50

    21129                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $63.66

    21130                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $46.72

    21131                 NEXT GENERATION                                                       $72.00

    21132                 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS                                          $287.69

    21133                 ONE COMMUNICATIONS                                                $168.49

    21134                 PATRICIA WOLF                                                            $276.28

    21135                 PAUL PRANSHKA                                                          $552.54

    21136                 POWERNET GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS                        $35.19

    21137                 PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS SERVICES                                $1,420.00

    21138                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $836.20

    21139                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $1,089.75

    21140                 QUILL CORPORATION                                                    $809.83

    21141                 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                     $1,034.28

    21142                 RICHARD RAYMOND                                                     $552.54

    21143                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $508.06

    21144                 ROBERT BAINES                                                            $268.54

    21145                 ROBERT NAGEL                                                             $552.54

    21146                 ROBERT SLOCUM                                                          $689.72

    21147                 S A E INDUSTRIES, INC                                                   $149.95

    21148                 SCOTT CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPANY                            $1,039.05

    21149                 SPEEDWAY SUPER AMERICA LLC                                   $87.81

    21150                 STANDARD INSURANCE CO.                                          $429.54

    21151                 STATE OF MICHIGAN                                                     $275.53

    21152                 STATE SPRING ALIGNMENT & BRAKE                             $895.38

    21153                 USPS-HASLER                                                                $200.00

    21154                 VESCO OIL CORPORATION                                              $342.46

    21155                 WAYNE ROUSH                                                             $552.54

    21156                 THE WOLVERINE COMPANIES                                        $1,014.29

                            Grand Total:                                                                    $208,328.01


Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Resolution from Orangeville Township.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Approved Road Repairs as submitted with Gravel road recommendations and improvements to be discussed at a later date.

1.         Miller Road – (Slag Seal)                                  $    4,485.00

2.         Lindsey Road                                                   $  30,360.00

3.         Lindsey Road – (Slag Seal)                               $  11,270.00

4.         Marsh Road                                                     $  29,272.00

5.         Marsh Road                                                     $  27,662.00

6.         Pine Lake Road                                                $  24,734.00

7.         Norris Road                                                     $    5,250.00

Orangeville Township Resolution Cont.

8.         Miller Road                                                      $    2,100.00

9.         England Point                                                   $    2,150.00

10.       Trails End                                                         $    1,700.00

                                                Sub Total                     $138,983.00

Center & Edge Painting                                                $    1,124.00

Chloride                                                                       $    5,292.00

            26% (1) Application

Board member discussion to reduce the application on Rook Road to that section between Orangeville Creek and Saddler Road.  If additional road treatments are warranted by your

Office, due to summer conditions, please contact this office for authorization.

Gravel Roads               Anticipated                               $    8,000.00

                                                Total                            $153,399.00


Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Resolution from Rutland Township.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

WHEREAS, the Township Board is authorized to determine road projects to be completed within the township, and

WHEREAS, the Township Board has determined the following paved road projects for fiscal year 2007:

Upton Road, Whitmore Road to North M-37 Highway             Slag Seal                      $19,665.00

Whitmore Road, North M-37 Highway to M-179                     Slag Seal                      $24,150.00

Airport Road, Heath Road to North M-37 Highway                 Slag Seal                      $  3,795.00

TOTAL PAVED ROAD EXPENDITURES                                                                $47,610.00

WHEREAS, The Township Board has determined that the State of Michigan pays no property taxes on State Land in the Yankee springs Recreation Area:

WHEREAS, the Township Board has decided that no Township funds will be expended on the maintenance of any gravel roads that run through the Yankee Springs Recreation Area unless they are inhabited by our residents.

WHEREAS, the Township Board has determined the gravel road projects for fiscal year 2007:

4,399 Cubic yards crushed gravel @ $6.00/yard                                                           $26,394.00

Distributed on roads listed in the gravel road recommendation with the exception of the following roads:

Any and all roads in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area not inhabited by township residents.

TOTAL GRAVEL EXPENDITURES                                                              $26,394.00

Rutland Township Resolution Cont.

WHEREAS, The Township Board has determined the chloride application project to be at a cost of $22,926.00:

1st application @ 26% to be applied after the Barry County Road Commission has graded the roads smooth and asked not to pull the shoulders prior to this application.

1st application total                                                                                                        $11,463.00

2nd application @ 26% to be applied after the Barry County Road Commission has graded the roads smooth and asked not to pull the shoulders prior to this application.

2nd application                                                                                                              $11,463.00

Distributed on the roads listed on the chloride recommendation with the exception of the following roads:

Any and all roads in the Yankee Springs Recreation Area not inhabited by township residents.

TOTAL CHLORIDE APPLICATION PROJECT                                                       $22,926.00

WHEREAS, the Township Board has determined the following roads have the centerline and edge lines painted:

Hammond Road                       CL Paint                                                                       $     561.00

Irving Road                              CL Paint                                                                       $     264.00

Tanner Lake Road                    CL Paint                                                                       $     165.00

Heath Road                              CL Paint                                                                       $     330.00

                                                EL Paint                                                                       $     400.00

Woodruff Road                        CL Paint                                                                       $     330.00

                                                EL Paint                                                                       $     400.00

                                                                                                            Total                $  2,450.00

TOTAL PAINTING PROJECTS                                                                                $  2,450.00

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rutland Charter Township Board does hereby authorize the road projects for 2007 as listed.

TOTAL ROAD EXPEINDITURES                                                                             $99,380.00


Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Resolution from Hope Township.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

At the April 9, 2007 regular meeting of the Hope Township Board of Trustees we made the following additional decisions concerning Hope Township gravel and paved roads.

  1. Edge line painting as recommended by Road Commission at $2,623.00

Motion by Commissioner Fiala seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Resolution from Prairieville Township.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

2 Applications of dust control                                        $  13,960

Lockshore Road payment                                             $  28,817

Centerline Striping                                                        $    1,485

Pine Lake Road                                                            $  54,010

Gravel                                                                          $    7,300

Total                                                                            $105,572


Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Fiala to accept the price of .17¢ a gallon for Mineral Well Brine from Michigan Chloride Sales with the agreement that Michigan Chloride Sales will do all the dust control for 2007 and 2008.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried


Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Fiala to sign the Employment Agreement for the Managing Director for the period of May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2011.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Fiala

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary

Comments are closed.