The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.
Members present: Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby, and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.
The agenda for December 17, 2002 was approved.
The minutes of December 5, 2002 was accepted as read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2713 Barry County Road Commission 62,554.89
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2712 012975 Alro Steel Corporation 364.90
012976 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 161.71
012977 Napa Auto Parts 1,772.51
2714 012978 AFLAC 874.48
012979 Alltel 174.22
012980 Arch Wireless 106.40
012981 Barry County Treasurer 4,764.18
012982 Besco Water Treatment, Inc. 25.00
012983 Bill Seif 330.50
012984 Brandy Casey 23.40
012985 Callender & Dornbos 479.70
012986 Chris BeBeau 106.80
012987 Coleman Agency 100.00
012988 Dave Dykstra 86.51
012989 Dave & Beth Hooper 2,000.00 012990 Dewey’s Auto Body 4,077.42
012991 Don & Shirley Drake 33,030.00
012992 Donald Willcutt 343.60
012993 Dueco 565.00
012994 East Jordan Iron Works 268.66
012995 Electric Motor Service 807.40
012996 Fidelity Investments 4,824.11
012997 Fire Extinguisher Service 221.00
012998 Gary Vandecar 522.32
012999 Chris BeBeau BCRC 186.45
013000 Good GMC 27.30
013001 Halliday Sand & Gravel 3,064.60
013002 Hastings Ace Hardware 15.96
013003 Help Net 334.33
013004 Jerry’s Tire Service 1,314.13
013005 Jim Raulston 24.50
013006 Kenneth Hermenitt 5,061.00
013007 M & K Quality Truck Center 488.35
013008 Model Coverall Service 34.36
013009 Naomi Holloway 210.00
013010 Napa Auto Parts 227.63
013011 Neal’s Truck Parts 133.63
013012 Pennock Hospital 396.50
013013 Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc. 76.99
013014 Radio Communications Inc. 1,536.00
013015 Roger Pashby 473.41
013016 Rottman Sales, Inc. 70.44
013017 S A E Industries, Inc. 12.24
013018 Staffmark, Inc. 645.19
013019 Tiremaxx 272.50
013020 Truck & Trailer Specialties 216.00
013021 Valley Industrial Products, Inc. 172.84
013022 Vesco Oil Corporation 52.95
013023 Wykstra Oil Company 98.19
TOTAL 71,175.31
Kim Bender with the Wayland Snowmobile Club discussed concerns about snowmobiles on Davis Road.
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the 2002 Budget Amendment #1. The Prior Year Fund Balance was a mistake and is the reason for an amendment to the Fund Balance.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Barry County Road Commission |
2002 Budget Amendment #1 |
Revenues |
M.V.H.F. |
4,333,072 |
4,333,072 |
Federal Funds |
200,000 |
200,000 |
Critical Bridge |
0 |
0 |
County Appropriations |
16,000 |
16,000 |
Township Contributions |
1,000,000 |
+579,754 |
1,579,754 |
Other Governmental Contr. |
+1,173,525 |
1,173,525 |
Other Contributions |
10,000 |
10,000 |
Salvage Sales |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Miscellaneous Sales |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Interest Earned |
45,000 |
45,000 |
Property Rentals |
2,000 |
+4,094 |
6,094 |
Equipment Rentals |
1,616,000 |
1,616,000 |
Handling Charges |
1,500 |
1,500 |
Purchase Discounts |
5,000 |
+800 |
5,800 |
Gain/Loss Disp. Of Equipment |
0 |
0 |
Depreciation & Depletion |
670,000 |
670,000 |
Equipment Retirements |
0 |
0 |
Installment Leases |
0 |
+40,965 |
40,965 |
Trade-In Allowances |
0 |
0 |
Permit Fees |
25,000 |
25,000 |
0 |
Total Revenues |
7,931,572 |
+1,799,138 |
9,730,710 |
Expenditures | ||||||
Primary Road Maintenance |
848,836 |
+400,000 |
1,248,836 |
Primary Heavy Maintenance |
1,700,000 |
-270,000 |
1,430,000 |
Local Maintenance |
1,600,000 |
+859,074 |
2,459,074 |
Local Heavy Maintenance |
600,000 |
+120,000 |
720,000 |
Equipment Expense Direct |
420,000 |
+450,000 |
870,000 |
Equipment Expense Indirect |
450,000 |
-80,000 |
370,000 |
Equipment Expense Operating |
110,000 |
+70,000 |
180,000 |
Distributive Expense |
1,100,000 |
+180,000 |
1,280,000 |
Interest Expense |
51,725 |
51,725 |
Administrative Expense |
250,000 |
+160,000 |
410,000 |
Capital Expense |
300,000 |
-150,000 |
150,000 |
Note Payments |
501,011 |
+60,064 |
561,075 |
Total Expenditures |
7,931,572 |
+1,799,138 |
9,730,710 |
Budgeted Net Revenues (Exp) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fund Balance Prior Year |
700,000 |
+1,467,932 |
2,167,932 |
Projected Fund Balance |
700,000 |
2,167,932 |
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to sign the 2003-2006 Association Agreement.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to revise the Urban Boundary to agree with the 2000 Census. The new Urban Boundary would include all of the City of Hastings, and that part of the Townships of Hastings and Rutland, described as follows: starting at the North City Limits and M-43, then North along M-43 to the Township line between Hastings and Carlton Townships, then West along this Township line and Woodruff Road to Hammond Road, then South along Hammond Road to Iroquois Trial, then West along Iroquois Trail to West State Road, then Southeast along West State Road to Norway Drive, then South along Norway Drive to Airport Road, then West and South along Airport Road to Rork Road, then Southwest along Rork Road to M-37, then Southeast along M-37 to Airport Road, then South along Airport to Heath Road, then East along Heath Road to M-37, then South and East along M-37 to Green Street, and then Southeast along Green Street to the West City Limits of Hastings.
Also to authorize the Managing Director to sign the Agreement with the City of Hastings and the Barry County Transit Authority approving this change.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Meeting was closed at 10:35 A.M. to discuss contract.
Meeting was reopened at 11:30 A.M. and recessed.
Meeting reconvened at 1:20 P.M. to discuss contract with Salaried employees.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 P.M.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Chairman Secretary
Comments are closed.