Barry County Road Commission
June 4, 2002
The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.
Members present: Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby, and Engineer-Manager Brad Lamberg.
The minutes of May 21, 2002 was accepted as read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the payroll for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2674 Barry County Road Commission 69,216.22
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2672 012133 Kalamazoo Mill Supply Company 16.25
012134 Michigan Chloride Sales 7,532.59
012135 Napa Auto Parts 224.57
012136 Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company 429.82
2673 012137 Barry County Road Commission 3,000.00
012138 Jensen Bridge and Supply 10,707.44
012139 Michigan Chloride Sales 74,998.12
2675 012142 Regions Interstate Bill 746.00
012143 Applied Industrial Tech 385.64
012144 Avaya 67.03
012145 Barry County Lumber 85.89
012146 Barry County Treasurer 5,288.71
012147 Besco Water Treatment, Inc. 29.75
012148 Brad Lamberg 178.51
012149 Callender & Dornbos 715.50
012150 Carleton Equipment Company 2,000.00
012151 Cat Rental Store 3,900.00
012152 Choice One Communications 243.13
012153 Consumers Energy 2,176.17
012154 CSI/Geoturf, Inc. 8,377.52
012155 Cummins Michigan Power 1,599.96
012156 Elan Financial Services 526.19
012157 Ferrellgas 16.98
012158 Fidelity Investments 5,635.49
012159 Chris BeBeau BCRC 123.36
012160 Great Lakes Truck Center 64.51
012161 Guardian Alarm Company 21.81
012162 Halliday Sand & Gravel 135,200.00
012163 Hastings Office Supplies 57.94
012164 Joseph A. Young & Associates 573.60
012165 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 200.87
012166 Kent Oil Company, Inc. 7,890.77
012167 Ketchum Machine Company 815.00
012168 Meekhof Lakeside Dock, Inc. 7,659.20
012169 Michigan Cat 3,603.36
Barry County Road Commission
June 4, 2002
012170 Michigan Chloride Sales 5,911.72
012171 Michigan Company, Inc. 283.01
012172 Model Coverall Service 38.38
012173 Municipal Supply Company 433.20
012174 Napa Auto Parts 402.25
012175 Northland Professional Building 128.72
012176 Postal Privilege 150.00
012177 Premarc 424.65
012178 Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc. 157.39
012179 Rathco Safety Supply, Inc. 15,249.00
012180 Road Equipment Parts 281.18
012181 S.A.E. Industries, Inc. 14.47
012182 Standard Insurance Company 448.94
012183 Staffmark, Inc. 602.18
012184 State Springs Service 128.80
012185 Tires 2000 628.40
012186 Tiremaxx 1,201.50
012187 Truck & Trailer Specialists 502.11
012188 Verns Repair 436.76
012189 Vesco Oil Corporation 59.25
012190 Work Safe Supply Company 644.75
012191 Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company 1,869.02
012192 X-Cel Chemical Spec. Company 77.20
TOTAL 315,164.56
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to set June 24, 2002 at 7:00 P.M., Orangeville Township Hall for public hearing on Enzian Road becoming a Natural Beauty Road.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the resolution from Orangeville Township.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby
Nays, Dykstra
Motion Carried
At our regular monthly board meeting on April 2, 2002 the following action took place:
Motion by Harper, support by Lewis, “I move to approve gravel road request from the Road Commission for $8,330.00 for this years’ gravel road repairs.”
All yes vote followed.
Don Wolf discussed slag sealing with the Board.
Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra authorizing a credit card in the Barry County Road Commission’s name through Elan Financing at the Hastings City Bank.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Barry County Road Commission
June 4, 2002
Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra authorizing a Money Market account to be opened up with Fifth Third Bank.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Seasonal roads will not be improved by the Barry County Road Commission because of new homes, plats, etc. being built on the road. They will be maintained as in past practice.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Chairman Secretary
Comments are closed.