June 18, 2002

Barry County Road Commission

                                                                        June 18, 2002


The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.


Members present:  Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby, and Engineer-Manager Brad Lamberg.


The minutes of June 4, 2002 was accepted as read by the Secretary.


Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.


     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                              Nays, None

                              Motion Carried


            CHECK    NAME                                                                              AMOUNT

2677                      Barry County Road Commission                                         71,030.77


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.


     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                              Nays, None

                              Motion Carried


            CHECK    NAME                                                                              AMOUNT

2676    012193      Kendall Industrial, Inc.                                                                 43.72

            012194      Lawson Products, Inc.                                                               537.45

            012195      Michigan Chloride Sales                                                       31,167.19

            012197      Napa Auto Parts                                                                           2.39

            012198      Northern Safety Company, Inc.                                                 199.05

            012199      State Wire & Terminal                                                                 79.92

            012200      Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company                                           421.83

2678    012201      AFLAC                                                                                    874.48

            012202      Aggregate Industries                                                                  697.44

            012203      Amsterdam Printing                                                                   113.64

            012204      Applied Industrial Tech                                                              101.55

            012205      Arch Wireless                                                                              55.43

            012206      Aristo Chemical, Inc.                                                              1,010.25

            012207      Auto Interiors                                                                            110.00

            012208      Barry County Lumber                                                                  41.25

            012209      Barry County Treasurer                                                          5,412.55

            012210      Beaver Research Company                                                          54.00

            012211      Besco Water Treatment, Inc.                                                       54.75

            012212      Black & Decker, USPTG                                                            56.45

            012213      Brad Lamberg                                                                           798.62

            012214      Callender & Dornbos                                                                403.45

            012215      Carleton Equipment Company                                                   104.30

            012216      Centurytel                                                                                    99.40

            012217      City of Hastings                                                                         301.28

            012218      Colwell Equipment Company, Inc.                                          2,549.00

            012219      Consumers Concrete Corporation                                                10.52

            012220      C Stoddard & Sons, Inc.                                                             75.00

            012221      Cummins Michigan Power                                                         662.70

            012222      Duthler Truck Center                                                                   67.36

            012223      East Jordan Iron Works                                                             238.10

            012224      Fidelity Investments                                                                5,675.29

            012225      Fire Extinguisher Service                                                            368.90

            012226      Flier’s Quality Water Systems                                                 1,119.44

            012227      Chris BeBeau BCRC                                                                   48.62

            012228      W.W. Grainger, Inc.                                                                    89.64

Barry County Road Commission

                                                                        June 18, 2002


            CHECK    NAME                                                                              AMOUNT

            012229      Grand Valley Concrete Pro                                                        441.00

            012230      Guardian Alarm Company                                                         120.00

            012231      Hastings Auto Heating                                                               244.00

            012232      Hastings Office Supplies                                                              51.78

            012233      Hudsons Tech Supply                                                                109.44

            012234      Jensen Bridge & Supply                                                          3,964.95
            012235      Jerry’s Tire Service                                                                    683.81

            012236      Kendall Industrial, Inc.                                                                 27.43

            012237      Meekhof Lakeside Dock, Inc.                                              21,833.37

            012238      Michigan Cat                                                                             531.68

            012239      Michigan Chloride Sales                                                       15,678.73

            012240      Michigan Company, Inc.                                                            296.91

            012241      Midwest Engineering Service                                                     324.10

            012242      Model Coverall Service                                                               32.08

            012243      Napa Auto Parts                                                                       859.01

            012244      Omega Systems                                                                         520.00

            012245      Pennock Hospital                                                                      198.00

            012246      Postmaster                                                                                100.00

            012247      Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc.                                                         853.68

            012248      Radio Communications, Inc.                                                   1,536.00

            012249      Remington Construction Company                                          7,956.00

            012250      Rim & Wheel Service Company                                                  68.00

            012251      Road Equipment Parts                                                            1,309.63

            012252      RX Optical                                                                                107.00

            012253      S.A.E. Industries, Inc.                                                                384.73

            012254      Staffmark, Inc.                                                                        1,479.64

            012255      State Springs Service                                                                 849.32     

            012256      Sweepster, Inc.                                                                      1,332.45

            012257      Thermo King Michigan, Inc.                                                         68.25

            012258      Thompson McCully Company, Inc.                                     503,898.71

            012259      Thornapple Printing, Inc.                                                            155.47

            012260      Truck & Trailer Specialists                                                      2,777.09

            012261      Verns Repair                                                                             414.94

            012262      Vesco Oil Corporation                                                              239.40

            012263      Vulcan Signs                                                                              446.69

            012264      Waste Management of Michigan                                                  77.25

            012265      Welling Automotive A/C                                                            445.06

            012266      Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company                                           682.71


                              TOTAL                                                                             624,743.27


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept resolution from Orangeville Township.

ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                          Nays, None

                          Motion Carried


The following action took place at our June 4th regular board meeting:


Motion by Blackmore, support by Harper to approve the 2002 chloride treatment @ $10,650 and pavement markings of $1,980.  All yes vote.


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the resolution from Yankee Springs Township.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                          Nays, Dykstra

                          Motion Carried


Barry County Road Commission

                                                                        June 18, 2002

   Yankee Springs Resolution  

From February 28, 2002 County Road Condition Report


Shaw Lake Road, Slag Seal

M-37 to Briggs Road – 3.32 Miles                                                       $26,600.00


Yankee Springs Road, Slag Seal

Gun Lake Road to M-37 – 5.05 Miles                                      $40,400.00


Yankee Springs Road, Crack Seal/Slag Seal

Wildwood Road to Gun Lake Road – 1.16 Miles                                 $16,100.00


Briggs Road, Slag Seal

Chief Noonday Road to Bass Road                                                      $30,560.00


Gravel Replacement

County Estimate                                                                                   $15,000.00


Dust Control per County Estimate 12/1/02                                            $13,080.00


Line Painting per County Estimate 12/1/02

Now Average, Poor, Very Poor Condition

Including White Side Lines                                                                    $  4,860.00


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept resolution from Prairieville Township.


     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                              Nays, None

                              Motion Carried


At the June 10, 2002 meeting of the Prairieville Township Board, the township passed the following resolution.


The 2002 fiscal year road expenditures are to be as follows:


1.         1920 yards of Crushed Gravel                                      $    9,600

2.         2 Applications of 26% Chloride                                                $  16,210

3.                  3-Mile Road (Doster to Norris) Mat Wedge

Cost to be split in half (second payment of $55,000 to occur

As shortly after April 1, 2003 as possible)                                 $  55,000

4.         4-Mile Road (Doster to Lindsey) Slag Seal                               $  10,400

5.         South Shore Drive at Crooked Lake, Crack & Slurry   $    2,500

6.         Southgate Drive at Pine Lake, Slurry Seal                                 $    7,200

7.         Sunshine & Division Drive, Slag Seal                             $    2,500

8.         Crooked Lake & Rankin, Slag Seal                                          $    4,000

9.         Lindsey (Pine Lake to 4 Mile), Slag Seal                                   $  18,200

10.       Centerline Paint, approximately 11.7 miles                                 $    3,510

11.       Signs 2 each “Shelp Lake Reduce Speed”                                 $       140

12.       Signs 2 each “Cressey Settled 1831”                                         $       110


            Total Approved                                                                        $129,370


Motion by Goyings, support by Nichols to adopt foregoing resolution to set Prairieville Townships Road Expenditures for 2002 fiscal year.  Ayes:  Goyings, Doster, Gray, Nottingham, Nichols.  Nays:  None.  Resolution is duly adopted June 10, 2002.


Barry County Road Commission

                                                                        June 18, 2002


Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept resolution from Maple Grove Township.


     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                              Nays, None

                              Motion Carried


At the regular monthly meeting of the Maple Grove Township Board held on June 5, 2002 with five board members present at the time, the following motion was made.  Motion by Gale Wetzel 2nd by Jim Heyboer to:


Dowling Road              3 miles resurface and seal coat                          $24,000

Gravel Roads               spread this amount at drivers judgement

                                    throughout entire township                                            $12,000



Motion carried with all ayes.


Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby authorizing No Thru Truck signs be placed on Upton Road from Whitemore Road to Irving Road, Rutland Township.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                         Nays, None

                         Motion Carried


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to reschedule the regular meeting of July 2, 2002 to June 28, 2002.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                         Nays, None

                         Motion Carried


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to rescind motion made on April 9, 2002 awarding the Liquid Asphalt bid to Koch Materials.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                         Nays, None

                         Motion Carried


Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to award the Liquid Asphalt bid to Koch Materials and Bit Mat Products.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                         Nays, None

                         Motion Carried


Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to request reimbursement in the amount of $10,000 for payments made during the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 to a licensed professional engineer employed by this Road Commission in accordance with Sec. 12(2) of Act 51, as amended.


ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby

                         Nays, None

                         Motion Carried


Meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.


_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                          Secretary

Comments are closed.