Barry County Road Commission
February 12, 2002
The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Dykstra at 9:00 A.M.
Members present: Dykstra, Pashby, and Engineer-Manager Brad Lamberg. Willcutt excused.
The minutes of January 29, 2002 was accepted as read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the payroll for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2649 Barry County Road Commission 66,473.49
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2648 011637 Hastings Reminder 47.09
011638 Kalamazoo Mill Supply Company 319.44
011639 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 82.54
011640 Napa Auto Parts 684.56
011641 Northern Safety Company, Inc. 225.27
2650 011642 Alan Bowman 20.00
011643 AM-DYN-IC Fluid Power 577.84
011644 Arch Wireless 72.43
011645 Barry County Road Commission 10,000.00
011646 Barry County Road Commission 3,000.00
011647 Barry County Treasurer 5,078.78
011648 Beaver Research Company 108.00
011649 Besco Water Treatment, Inc. 71.18
011650 Bill Seif 1,335.53
011651 Brad Lamberg 466.84
011652 Burkey Sales & Service 380.18
011653 Assoc Constr Publ/CMD 50.10
011654 Callender & Dornbos 90.84
011655 Caterpillar Financial 3,550.48
011656 Cathy Reid 20.00
011657 Cat Rental Store 3,900.00
011658 Chromate Industrial Corporation 309.89
011659 City of Hastings 556.48
011660 Consumers Energy 17.06
011661 County Road Association Self Insurance 33,463.00
011662 Crescent Electric Supply Company 111.34
011663 Custer Office Env. 367.69
011664 D&D Mobile Washing 480.00
011665 Donald Smith 20.00
011666 Dreisbach Motors 122.72
011667 Eye & ENT Specialists 162.22
011668 Fidelity Investments 5,723.70
011669 Fitzpatrick’s 200.00
011670 Chris BeBeau BCRC 108.26
011671 Great Lakes Truck Center 121.93
Barry County Road Commission
February 12, 2002
011672 Hastings Ace Hardware 25.04
011673 The Hastings Banner 81.31
011674 Hastings Office Supplies 205.20
011675 Jerry’s Tire Service 1,347.96
011676 Kalamazoo Mill Supply Company 107.79
011677 Kathy Holden 20.00
011678 The Lockshop 77.40
011679 Michigan Department of Agriculture 80.00
011680 Michigan Cat 3.54
011681 Michigan Company, Inc. 139.72
011682 Model Coverall Service 20.48
011683 Napa Auto Parts 24.99
011684 Neal’s Truck Parts 711.98
011685 North American Salt Company 45,790.76
011686 Pennock Hospital 36.00
011687 Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc. 529.83
011688 Ray McConnon 20.00
011689 Road Equipment Parts 102.20
011690 Root Spring Scraper Company 353.17
011691 SAE Industries, Inc. 871.80
011692 Staffmark 2,760.05
011693 Steve Pennington 23.25
011694 Truck & Trailer Spec. 210.92
011695 Valley Industrial Products, Inc. 124.14
011696 Verns Repair 57.35
011697 Vesco Oil Corporation 59.25
011698 Waste Management of Michigan 297.25
011699 Wonch 407.05
011700 Wykstra Oil Company 96.41
011701 X-Cel Chemical Spec. Company 77.20
TOTAL 126,507.43
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept the Assyria Township resolution.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Resolution: Road improvements for Assyria Township
WHEREAS: The Assyria Township Board has approved the following improvements as proposed by the Barry County Road Commission.
Clark Road $15,000
Huff Road 19,500
West Lake Road 5,000
Paved Road improvements as prepared by B.C.R.C. 42,100
Dust Control 27,821
The foregoing resolution was offered by Board Member Boles and supported by Board Member Augustine.
Upon roll call vote, the following voted “aye”.
Boles, Morgan, Augustine, Jarrard, Massimino
“Nay”: None
The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
Barry County Road Commission
February 12, 2002
Bids for Roadside Mowing was opened at 10:00 A.M.
Bidder Amount
Frontline Maintenance LLC $175,994.00
Wingspread, Inc. $179,436.00
Kindy Farms LLC $189,250.00
Falconer Farms $190,600.00
Charges W. Tungate $200,000.00
Daniels Excavating, Inc. $205,925.70
R & S Enterprises, Inc. $252,000.00
Boles Excavating & Topsoil $259,776.00
Greenscape $427,900.00
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to table the Roadside Mowing bids for further study.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept resolution from Orangeville Township.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Re: 2002 Road projects
At our regular monthly meeting, February 5th, the following road projects were approved:
Wildwood Road (Norris to Townline) Full seal $ 1,900
Wildwood Road (Marsh Road East to line) Full seal $28,000
Norris Road (Guernsey Lake Road to Keller Road), Crack seal $ 3,200
Norris Road (Pine Lake Road to Guernsey Lake Road), Crack seal $ 7,650
Norris Road (Keller to Mullen) $ 3,000
Also approved in 2001, but not yet completed is:
Orangeville village paving $29,000
Year #1 Patterson & Wildwood $40,600
Also approved in 2001, was the 3 year project for Patterson and Wildwood which included $396,700 for this year (year #2), and next year will total $77,400.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Chairman Secretary
Comments are closed.