January 29, 2002
The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order by Chairman Willcutt at 9:00 A.M.
Members present: Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby, and Engineer-Manager Brad Lamberg.
The minutes of January 15, 2002 was accepted as read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2644 011571 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 165.42
011572 Lawson Products, Inc. 758.70
2647 011574 Action Signs 39.53
011575 AFLAC 89.30
011576 Regions Interstate Bill 54.00
011577 AM-DYN-IC Fluid Power 234.25
011578 Aspen Publishers, Inc. .72
011579 Avaya 2.16
011580 Barry Auto Supply, Inc. 347.72
011581 Barry County Lumber 38.38
011583 BJ Hydraulics, Inc. 37.34
011584 Blue Cross Blue Shield 40,106.18
011585 Callender & Dornbos 3,054.33
011586 Centurytel 215.28
011587 Choice One Communications 403.14
011588 Coleman Agency 40.00
011589 Consumers Energy 5,638.81
011591 Cummins Michigan Power 1,044.68
011592 D&D
011593 Duthler Ford 168.39
011595 Engineering Supply Corporation 137.31
011596 Fidelity Investments 5,622.39
011598 Guardian Alarm Company 21.81
011601 The
011602 Hastings City Bank 20,330.00
011604 Ikon Office Supplies 186.10
011605 Jerry’s Tire Service 1,052.85
January 29, 2002
011606 Kalamazoo Mill Supply Company 52.75
011607 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 547.36
011609 Ketchum Machine Company 600.00
011610 LTAP/MTU 80.00
011613 Michael R. Kluck & Associates 40.50
011614 Midland Contracting Company 1,959.13
011615 Model Coverall Service 21.18
011617 Neal’s Truck Parts 522.50
011618 Nextel 277.95
011619 North American Salt Company 3,296.36
011620 Postal Privilege 150.00
011621 Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc. 335.49
011622 Road Equipment Parts 91.98
011623 Rottman Sales, Inc. 517.60
011624 Standard Insurance Company 503.00
011625 Staffmark 877.47
011626 State of
011627 Telegration, Inc. 20.88
011628 Thermo King
011629 Thornapple Printing, Inc. 516.20
011630 Tiremaxx 3,176.76
011631 Truck & Trailer Spec. 1,163.15
011632 State of
011633 Vermeer
011634 Verns Repair 145.64
011635 Vesco Oil Corporation 2,759.40
011636 Yankee Auto Glass 112.87
TOTAL 111,653.25
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
1. Stevens Wooded Acres, 1.45 mi SE side of
Crack Seal $ 4,400.00
Full Slag $12,600.00 $17,000.00
2. Moor Road, .66 mi
Full Seal $ 5,300.00
Full Seal $ 8,000.00
Full Seal $24,800.00
5. Pavement Markings Poor $5,820.00
Average 660.00
New (Keller) 330.00 $ 6,810.00
6. Chloride on gravel roads – one application $20,193.00
7. Gravel $10,000.00
TOTAL $92,103.00
January 29, 2002
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby authorizing Chairman Willcutt to sign the 2002 Certification Maps.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Chairman Willcutt appointed himself to the Parks and Recreation Board.
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to set material bids date, March 26, 2002 at 10:00 A.M.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby authorizing TCO #P 08-88-01 to be signed. Tillotson Lake Road, Hope Township, Barry County, no parking at anytime within the right-of-way from a point five thousand two hundred fifty feet easterly of M-43 to a point six thousand seven hundred fifty feet north easterly of M-43.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to rescind motion awarding the
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Mike Norton talked with the Board on the eyeglass policy.
Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Pashby to accept the eyeglass policy with amendments to be effective February 12, 2002.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt , Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
January 29, 2002
January 29, 2002
· Eye Protection Training Record
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Chairman Secretary
Comments are closed.