Barry County Road Commission
September 25, 2001
The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.
Members present: Willcutt, Dykstra, Pashby, and Engineer-Manager Brad Lamberg.
The minutes of September 11, 2001 was accepted as read by the Secretary.
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2619 Barry County Road Commission 58,481.81
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve the bills for payment except the check to Chromate Industrial Corporation.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
2618 011015 Napa Auto Parts 57.23
011016 Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company 1,083.40
2620 011018 Advanced Drainage Systems 1,179.97
011019 AFLAC 1,122.84
011020 Aggregate Industries 77,280.03
011021 AT&T 15.87
011022 Barry County Lumber 60.90
011023 Barry County Treasurer 4,454.30
011024 Beaver Research Company 70.93
011025 Besco Water Treatment, Inc. 25.00
011026 Bill Seif 5.37
011027 Blue Cross Blue Shield 35,549.57
011028 Boles Excavating 12,974.00
011029 Brad Lamberg 884.33
011030 Budget Drain Cleaning 375.00
011031 Callender & Dornbos 807.54
011032 Caterpillar Financial 3,550.48
011033 Centurytel 321.45
011034 Chromate Industrial Corporation 247.01
011035 Clark Highway Service 19,411.46
011036 Cogitate, Inc. 1,500.00
011037 Contractors Machinery 83.75
011038 Consumers Energy 1,241.03
011039 True Value 32.76
011040 Dreisbach Motors 280.60
011041 Rail Road Street Mill 48.75
011042 Fidelity Investments 4,867.66
011043 Fitzpatrick’s 135.00
011044 Karmen Nickerson BCRC 137.48
011045 Great Lakes Truck Center 376.82
011046 Hastings Office Supplies 24.47
011047 HelpNet 327.38
011048 Jerry’s Tire Service 1,224.25
011049 Kendall Industrial, Inc. 20.89
011050 Koch Materials Company 56,077.50
Barry County Road Commission
September 25, 2001
011051 Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 14.00
011052 Michigan Company, Inc. 484.05
011053 Miller Equipment Company 728.47
011054 Model Coverall Service 20.48
011055 Napa Auto Parts 622.48
011056 Neal’s Truck Parts 177.17
011057 Omega Systems 378.75
011058 Pavement Restoration 20,219.55
011059 Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc. 45.55
011060 Rickie Long 150.00
011061 Road Equipment Parts 54.67
011062 S.A.E. Industries, Inc. 58.50
011063 Sanisweep, Inc. 6,380.00
011064 Scott Civil Engineering 637.75
011065 State Farm Insurance 208.00
011066 Staffmark 1,812.26
011067 State of Michigan 365.00
011068 Telegration, Inc. 121.04
011069 Tires 2000 55.00
011070 Truck & Trailer Spec. 1,276.16
011071 Verns Repair 19.95
011072 Visible 124.65
011073 Waste Management of Michigan 77.25
011074 The Wolverine Companies 124.90
011075 Wonch 344.49
011076 Wyoming Asphalt Paving Company 84.50
TOTAL 260,439.64
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to set public hearing for Francis Drive, Johnstown Township Hall for October 9, 2001 at 7:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion By Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to set October 23, 2001 for a public hearing on the Barry County Road Commission Mailbox Policy at 10:00 .AM.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to extend the Engineer/Manager’s four-year contract thru 2005 and that he gets a 3% raise for 2002 effective October 1, 2001.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to approve 2001 Budget Amendment #1.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Barry County Road Commission
September 25, 2001
2001 Budget Amendment #1 |
Revenues |
M.V.H.F. |
4,290,171 |
4,290,171 |
Federal Funds |
0 |
0 |
Critical Bridge |
0 |
0 |
County Appropriations |
16,000 |
16,000 |
Township Contributions |
1,000,000 |
+325,000 |
1,325,000 |
Other Contributions |
10,000 |
10,000 |
Salvage Sales |
3,000 |
3,000 |
Miscellaneous Sales |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Interest Earned |
45,000 |
45,000 |
Property Rentals |
2,000 |
2,000 |
Equipment Rentals |
1,600,000 |
1,600,000 |
Handling Charges |
1,500 |
1,500 |
Purchase Discounts |
5,000 |
5,000 |
Gain/Loss Disp. Of Equipment |
0 |
+13,161 |
13,161 |
Depreciation & Depletion |
670,000 |
670,000 |
Equipment Retirements |
0 |
0 |
Long Term Notes |
0 |
0 |
Installment Leases |
0 |
0 |
Trade-In Allowances |
0 |
0 |
Permit Fees |
25,000 |
25,000 |
Total Revenues |
7,672,671 |
+338,161 |
8,010,832 |
Expenditures |
Primary Road Maintenance |
900,000 |
900,000 |
Primary Heavy Maintenance |
1,800,000 |
-500,000 |
1,300,000 |
Local Maintenance |
1,700,000 |
+700,000 |
2,400,000 |
Local Heavy Maintenance |
600,000 |
600,000 |
Equipment Expense Direct |
420,000 |
420,000 |
Equipment Expense Indirect |
450,000 |
450,000 |
Equipment Expense Operating |
110,000 |
+50,000 |
160,000 |
Distributive Expense |
1,100,000 |
+400,000 |
1,500,000 |
Interest Expense |
73,039 |
73,039 |
Administrative Expense |
250,000 |
250,000 |
Capital Expense |
300,000 |
300,000 |
Note Payments |
395,012 |
+40,000 |
435,012 |
Total Expenditures |
8,098,051 |
+690,000 |
8,788,051 |
Budgeted Net Revenues (Exp) |
-425,380 |
-351,839 |
-777,219 |
Fund Balance Prior Year |
1,200,000 |
+813,441 |
2,013,441 |
Projected Fund Balance |
774,620 |
+461,602 |
1,236,222 |
Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to change the regular Board meeting of December 4, 2001 to November 30, 2001.
ROLL CALL: Yeas, Willcutt, Dykstra, & Pashby
Nays, None
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 A.M.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Chairman Secretary
Comments are closed.