Monthly Archives: June 2005

June 28, 2005

 The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Vice-Chairman Pashby.

Members present:  Dykstra, Pashby and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.  Willcutt excused

The agenda for June 28, 2005 was approved.

The minutes of June 16, 2005 were approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                            Barry County Road Commission                                       $105,891.91

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17697                 ALRO STEEL CORPORATION                                           $782.80

    17698                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $55.75

    17699                 WYOMING ASPHALT PAVING CO                                    $2,790.36

    17700                 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS                                   $3,316.73

    17701                 AFLAC                                                                          $132.00

    17702                 REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING                                       $669.43

    17703                 ALLTEL                                                                         $206.57

    17704                 ALRO STEEL CORPORATION                                           $255.98

    17705                 APEC                                                                            $786.50

    17706                 BARRY COUNTY LUMBER                                               $33.70

    17707                 BARRY COUNTY TREASURER                                         $11.48

    17708                 BEN’S TECH SUPPLY                                                       $136.83

    17709                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $47.50

    17710                 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                              $1,134.54

    17711                 BRANDY CASEY                                                            $434.90

    17712                 BURKEY SALES & SERVICE                                             $581.42

    17713                 CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS                                    $254.25

    17714                 COLWELL EQUIPMENT CO.INC.                                       $457.99

    17715                 CONSUMERS CONCRETE CORPORATION                         $40.60

    17716                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $1,529.24

    17717                 CSI/GEOTURF, INC.                                                         $3,285.80

    17718                 DORNBOS SIGN & SAFETY INC                                        $1,854.00

    17719                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $6,917.32

    17720                 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE                                          $288.25

    17721                 FREEPORT NEWS/GEIGER PRINTERS                                $215.10

    17723                 GUARDIAN ALARM COMPANY                                      $144.64

    17724                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $56.79

    17725                 HELP NET                                                                      $347.87

    17726                 JENSEN BRIDGE AND SUPPLY                                          $6,634.09

    17727                 JENNIFER MATTHEWS                                                   $154.40

    17728                 JERRYS TIRE SERVICE                                                     $2,246.11

    17729                 KENT OIL COMPANY, INC.                                              $16,368.35

    17730                 L & S SERVICE                                                                $1,595.39

    17731                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $1,024.91

    17733                 MICHIGAN CHLORIDE SALES                                          $40,896.00

    17734                 MICHIGAN COMPANY INC                                              $39.56

    17735                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $36.00

    17736                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $850.10

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17737                 NEAL’S TRUCK PARTS                                                    $176.80

    17738                 NEWTON’S WELL SERVICE INC                                        $147.50

    17739                 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS                                          $286.61

    17740                 PRIORITY HEALTH                                                         $17,704.22

    17741                 PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS SERVICES                                $5,103.00

    17742                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $485.70

    17743                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $888.56

    17744                 QUILL CORPORATION                                                    $114.37

    17745                 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                     $15.98

    17746                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $744.74

    17747                 S A E INDUSTRIES, INC                                                   $512.50

    17748                 SITE PRECISION INC                                                       $155.00

    17749                 STANDARD INSURANCE CO.                                          $1,205.13

    17750                 STATE SPRING ALIGNMENT & BRAKE                             $315.87

    17751                 STATE WIRE & TERMINAL                                             $168.54

    17752                 ST. REGIS CULVERT INC                                                  $14,715.90

    17753                 STREMLER TILE INC                                                       $657.60

    17754                 THERMO KING MICHIGAN INC                                        $542.86

    17755                 TIMEMARK INCORPORATED                                          $332.49

    17756                 TOBIAS HIGH TENSILE FENCE                                         $5,709.27

    17757                 TOM CHAFFEE                                                              $150.00

    17758                 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY                                         $39.74

    17759                 TRUCK & TRAILER SPECIALTIES                                     $587.71

    17760                 VESCO OIL CORPORATION                                              $2,600.43

    17762                 WYOMING ASPHALT PAVING CO                                    $4,479.17

    17763                 X-CEL CHEMICAL SPEC CO                                             $93.50

    17764                 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY                                  $85.89

    17765                 GREAT LAKES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS LLC                  $299.29

                            Grand Total:                                                                      $154,931.62

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to request reimbursement in the amount of $10,000.00 for payments made during the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 to licensed professional engineers employed or retained by this Commission in accordance with Sec 12(2) of Act 51, as amended.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Two residents from Park Drive, Al McCrumb and Jack Finkbeiner with Yankee Springs Township discussed the slag seal that was put down on Park Drive in 2004 and what options were available other then the slag seal.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Pashby to mill 1 ½” of Park Drive and replace with 1 ½” of asphalt.  A price of $22,100 to be split 1/3 Road Commission, 1/3 Township, 1/3 Property Owners.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Pashby seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to accept a resolution from the Village of Woodland.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Dykstra & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Slag Seal Main Street from Village Limits South 220′ x 22′ wide                       $600.00

The estimate above of $600.00 is accepted and will make payment in our July Meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 A.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary


June 16, 2005

 The regular meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Dykstra, and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.  Pashby excused

The agenda for June 16, 2005 was approved.

The minutes of May 31, 2005 were approved as read by the Secretary.

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to approve the payroll for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

CHECK              NAME                                                                            AMOUNT

                            Barry County Road Commission                                       $92,438.15

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to approve the bills for payment.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17608                 ALRO STEEL CORPORATION                                           $1,079.13

    17609                 CARDMEMBER SERVICE                                                 $424.24

    17610                 HUBBARD SUPPLY COMPANY                                        $60.61

    17611                 JENSEN BRIDGE AND SUPPLY                                          $7,282.64

    17612                 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC                                               $527.37

    17613                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $125.23

    17614                 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS                                   $2,403.53

    17615                 REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING                                       $279.60

    17616                 ALEXANDER WALDEN                                                   $286.54

    17617                 ALFRED MARTZ                                                            $143.28

    17618                 ALLIED TRUCK EQUIP                                                    $64.50

    17619                 ALRO STEEL CORPORATION                                           $1,742.58

    17620                 ARCH WIRELESS                                                            $45.70

    17621                 ARISTOCHEM, INC                                                         $450.55

    17622                 ASPEN PUBLISHERS, INC                                                $86.45

    17623                 BARRY COUNTY LUMBER                                               $34.48

    17624                 BERT KEELER                                                                $380.00

    17625                 BESCO WATER TREATMENT INC                                    $35.75

    17626                 BETTY MOORE                                                              $98.28

    17627                 BILL SEIF CHEVROLET-BUICK INC                                    $10.68

    17628                 BRAD LAMBERG                                                            $490.46

    17629                 CHARLES BENEDICT                                                      $286.54

    17630                 CITY OF HASTINGS                                                        $314.62

    17631                 COGITATE INC                                                               $25.00

    17632                 CONSUMERS ENERGY                                                     $16.92

    17633                 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING                                 $6.19

    17634                 DIC CRAVEN                                                                  $286.54

    17635                 DUTHLER FORD                                                             $29.08

    17636                 DUTHLER TRUCK CENTER                                              $88.44

    17637                 EAGLE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INC                             $42.50

    17638                 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS                                          $736.00

    17639                 FIDELITY INVESTMENTS                                                $6,345.33

    17640                 CHRIS BEBEAU BCRC                                                     $95.95

    17641                 GAYLORD PENNINGTON                                                 $196.54

    17642                 GERALD CISLER                                                             $419.54

    17643                 HASTINGS ACE HARDWARE                                          $23.94

    17644                 HASTINGS BANNER                                                       $15.00

    17645                 HOWARD HOSTETLER                                                   $286.54

    17646                 HUGH MCPHERSON                                                        $143.28

   Check               Name                                                                         Amount                  

    17647                 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS                                               $367.73

    17648                 JACK KINEMAN                                                            $286.54

    17649                 JDE EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                            $218.98

    17650                 JENSEN BRIDGE AND SUPPLY                                          $49.96

    17651                 KENNETH HURLESS                                                       $286.54

    17652                 KENNETH PRANSHKA                                                    $196.54

    17653                 KENT OIL COMPANY, INC.                                              $18,774.65

    17654                 KENDALL PRANSHKA                                                    $143.28

    17655                 LARRY MAUPIN                                                            $114.40

    17656                 LAWRENCE BARRY                                                        $8.50

    17657                 M&K QUALITY TRUCK CENTER                                      $62.04

    17658                 MAXI MUFFLER PLUS                                                    $391.66

    17659                 MICHIGAN CAT                                                             $1,332.83

    17660                 MICHIGAN KENWORTH                                                 $25.14

    17661                 MICHIGAN PAVEMENT MARKINGS LLC                           $11,079.09

    17662                 MIKA, MEYERS, BECKETT & JONES                                 $72.00

    17663                 MODEL COVERALL SERVICE                                           $36.00

    17664                 NAPA AUTO PARTS                                                       $807.88

    17665                 NORMAN JACK LENZ                                                     $374.54

    17666                 PATRICIA WOLF                                                            $328.44

    17667                 PAUL PRANSHKA                                                          $286.54

    17668                 PENNOCK HOSPITAL                                                      $178.00

    17669                 POSTMASTER                                                               $126.00

    17670                 PURITY CYLINDER GASES INC                                         $466.44

    17671                 QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION                                      $1,128.75

    17672                 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                     $1,536.00

    17673                 RAILROAD STREET MILL                                                $190.40

    17674                 RICHARD RAYMOND                                                     $286.54

    17675                 RIETH RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO                                    $58.80

    17676                 ROAD EQUIPMENT PARTS                                              $188.95

    17677                 ROBERT BAINES                                                            $286.54

    17678                 ROBERT NAGEL                                                             $604.71

    17679                 ROBERT RUSSELL                                                          $286.54

    17680                 ROBERT SLOCUM                                                          $114.40

    17681                 STATE WIRE & TERMINAL                                             $4.59

    17682                 STEVE LEARY                                                                $25.50

    17683                 ST. REGIS CULVERT INC                                                  $272.68

    17684                 STREMLER TILE INC                                                       $69.60

    17685                 THERMO KING MICHIGAN INC                                        $357.99

    17686                 THOMAS BURGHDOFF                                                   $25.50

    17687                 TIRES 2000                                                                     $685.48

    17688                 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY                                         $237.77

    17689                 VERNS REPAIR & SPORT                                                 $320.92

    17690                 VESCO OIL CORPORATION                                              $1,028.05

    17691                 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MI                                        $125.26

    17692                 WAYNE ROUSH                                                             $286.54

    17693                 WILCOX PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC                           $1,710.00

    17694                 THE WOLVERINE COMPANIES                                        $45.57

    17695                 WYKSTRA OIL COMPANY                                              $38.10

    17696                 WYOMING ASPHALT PAVING CO                                    $2,909.06

                            Grand Total:                                                                      $74,247.51

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt to accept resolutions from Assyria, Prairieville, and Maple Grove Townships.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Assyria Township Resolution

Whereas the Assyria Township board has approved the following improvements as proposed by the Barry County Road Commission:

$75,000 for the road improvements on North Avenue projects.

Please note this will delay the improvements to Brady and Lacey Roads until 2006 at a minimum.

$7,000 for the improvement of gravel roads to be used at the discretion of the Barry County Road Commission.

$26,000 for the dust control on gravel roads with 38% chloride double pass on all roads, including the frontage of houses on Curtis Road.

Prairieville Township Resolution

Prairieville Township amended Road Budget as passed at the June 7, 2005 board meeting.

                                                2005                2006                2007                2008

Lockshore Road                       $28,500           $28,500           $28,500           $28,500

     Overlay and Slag Seal

Milo/Norris                              $56,200

     Slag seal entire length

Lindsey Road

      Slag Seal                           $19,125

Pine Lake Road                        $18,000


Oak Drive                                $36,600


Gravel                                      $19,625

Dust Control                             $15,000

     2 passes

Painting                                    $  1,850

Mowing                                    $  3,600

     2 @ $1,800

New Total                                $198,500

Maple Grove Township Resolution

After discussion at a regular monthly meeting of the Maple Grove Township Board, motion made by Jim Heyboer 2nd by Doug Westendorp to approve the following road projects for the summer of 2005.

1.  Barryville Road – Lawrence to Bivens – overlay and seal one mile                $42,820.00

2.  Barryville Road – Bivens to North Township Line – Slag Seal                                  $  9,000.00

3.  Gravel Roads                                                                                                          $20,000.00

                                                                                                Total                            $71,820.00

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt

WHEREAS, the Village of Middleville is requesting jurisdiction over Crane Road, from Whitneyville Avenue/Grand Rapids Street, east 0.85 miles in Sections 13, 14, 23, 24, Thornapple Township, Barry County, Michigan, and


WHEREAS, the Village of Middleville has jurisdiction over lands south of a portion of said road, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Middleville has an industrial park south of a portion of said road, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Middleville has applied for funds to improve a portion of said road, and

WHEREAS, the Village Council of Middleville has voted to accept jurisdiction of said road, and

WHEREAS, the Barry County Road Commission currently has jurisdiction over said road, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the Board of County Road Commissioners of Barry County hereby relinquishes jurisdiction of Crane Road easterly of Grand Rapids Street, to the current end, for a length of approximately 0.85 miles and that all signs, structures and appurtenances within the boundaries above become the property of the Village of Middleville.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt authorizing Chairman Donald Willcutt and Member David Dykstra to sign Michigan Department of Transportation Contract Number. 05-5162, Control Section STUL 08447, Job Number 80647, Concrete Pavement Crack and Seating work along Green Street from Cook Road to M-37 Highway.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Dykstra seconded by Commissioner Willcutt authorizing Chairman Donald Willcutt and Member David Dykstra to sign Michigan Department of Transportation Contract Number 05-5161, Control Section EDDF 08555, Job Number 78051 Hot Asphalt Paving work along North Avenue from approximately 200 feet north of Lacey Road to approximately 550 feet north of Baseline Road.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to take the Track Type Dozer bids and the sale of the D7 Cat Dozer and Scraper Pan bids off the table and award the Track Type Dozer bid to JDE Equipment Company for a JD700J Dozer for $123,935.31 and the bid sale of the D7 Cat Dozer and Scraper Pan bid to Allen Gregory Excavating for $25,552.00.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to take the Tandem Axle

Cab and Chassis bids off the table and award the bid to M & K Quality Truck Sales for a Volvo VHD at a cost of $87,715.00 as low bidder.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Motion by Commissioner Willcutt seconded by Commissioner Dykstra to take the Self Propelled Road Sweeper bids off the table and award bid to A.I.S. Construction Equipment for a used Broce Broom RC-350 for $31,895 as low bidder.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Dykstra

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 A.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary


June 7, 2005

 The special meeting of the Barry County Road Commission was called to order at 2:05 P.M. by Chairman Willcutt.

Members present:  Willcutt, Pashby, and Managing Director Brad Lamberg.  Dykstra excused.

The following resolution was offered by Member Willcutt and supported by Member Pashby.

Whereas, the County Road Commission for Barry County has five bridges that are in need of replacement or rehabilitation due to their poor physical condition.  The bridges in order of replacement or rehabilitation priority are:

  1. Structure Number 553, Coats Grove Road over Mud Creek, Replacement (FY2007).
  1. Structure Number 559, North Avenue over Wabascon Creek, Replacement (FY2007).
  1. Structure Number 558, Charlton Park Road over Thornapple River, Replacement (FY2008).
  1. Structure Number 560, Charlton Park Road over Little Thornapple River, Rehabilitation (FY2008).
  1. Structure Number 566, Barger Road over Mud Creek, Replacement (FY2008).

Whereas, the County Road Commission for Barry County has reviewed the applications requesting funds for the construction cost of replacing said bridges.  Furthermore, the County Road Commission of Barry County understands that they:

  • Must pay five percent of the as-bid construction cost and the entire cost of all engineering services and right of way.
  • Must agree to have sufficient funds to pay their share of the costs for construction in fiscal years 2007/8 and 2008/9.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the County Road Commission for Barry County hereby approves the filing of the said application with the Michigan Department of Transportation requesting funds through their local bridge program for the replacement of the four bridges and rehabilitation of one bridge, further that we are actively seeking their participation in the replacement and rehabilitation of the bridges.

     ROLL CALL:  Yeas, Willcutt & Pashby

                               Nays, None

                               Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 P.M.

_________________________________                   __________________________________

Chairman                                                                      Secretary